Friday, September 4, 2009

It just becomes reality

Sorry if I misintepret your action but, am i not your friend? I mean, how long have we known each other, and you think i'm that sort of person? You refrained yourself from telling me happy news because you thought i won't be happy for you because i'm not happy myself? You think i'm that pathetic? You kept such a huge news from me, such a happy news, just because you think i won't feel happy for you? I don't know, if you're being understanding or being insulting. DO I seem like that kind of person to you, that i won't be happy for others? And you think i'm that pitiful, so selfish that i would say,'don't tell me, you're making me sad.'?

Weren't that you who said that we'd share with each other, happy or bad news, tears or laughters, punches or kisses? Even if you want to keep it unknown, don't i deserve to know? Or am i expecting too much just as a friend? Well i want to keep those negative thoughts aside and just...think that maybe you forget or somewhere along that line. But oh well fine, i won't talk about it anymore. Just gotta swallow it.

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