Monday, September 28, 2009

i've seen love die way too many times

When things go insanely out of control and it sucked so bad it hurts you, just remember that one day, somehow you won't feel the same way anymore and perhaps it will make you feel many times better. Turn that into your strength to conquer what's coming you way next. Let the feeling sinks in and let it go when you can. You won't know what's happiness like, if you never feel downcasted before. Love, afterall, is not blind. It's understanding.

Well, i'm not good with words and that explains why i never get an A for english language, but i just want to say that we should be more aware of our surrounding. While you think your life suck so much and you are the most pathetic person in the whole planet Earth, think again. There are many people out there who don't even know when their next meal will be. They are so poor they don't even get decent meals. Yet people who speak Crystal Jade don't even turn a hair when they see this people. Some even give the 'are you kidding me?' stare when people along the road asked for donations. I mean, how poor can you get if you spare a dollar of two for these people? Sometimes its not because this people are too lazy to work, but they are choiceless.

It hits me hard when i was having lunch with mel dione and quek, we were eating happily when this grandma approached us and offered us packets of tissue. Well, i thoughtlessly ignored her and said no. But mel decided to help her and bought the tissues. It never occured to me how hard it is for her to make ends meet, and i didn't know she'd be so grateful for a dollar. I promised myself from now onwards i will start to help the needy ones :)

Aren't we people lucky then? We don't have to worry for our basic necessities, some people even have ten pairs of Jimmy Choos, those 'you name it i have it' bags, and yep food. Those money spent on the labels can actually feed the whole village in Brazil for one whole year.

Talk about contradictions, well, i have what i want, and i will mostly have what i want. I think my life is luxurious enough for a teenager like me. I have marvellous parents and people whom i love, loved me back. My friends are all the good vocab you can think of. What more can i ask for? We have proper bathroom to channel our waste, we have clean water supply, something that i believe all of us took for granted.

Now, i am not capable of feeling like my life is a void without him anymore.

I don't find myself crying like a bimbo whenever things don't go my way. I always try to believe and believe that at the end of the day, things happen for a reason. Someone always told me, 'Don't trudge your way through a shopping mall like a bimbo thinking to yourself like you're the prettiest girl around. Know more about the world, fill yourself with knowledge and never look down on people'. I guess i know that the person was trying to tell me now.

I've grown up, haven't I? :)

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -- Albert Einstein

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