Thursday, July 31, 2008

This is actually quite cool
Chris Daughtryyyyyyyyyy
Dione has such a wonderful photography skill
Wth that woman's hand. and that's not daughtry
This is not daughtry
That's exactly our views. HEADS
Idk what this is. dione took it
I couldn;t stop laughing at this
Nono. Not daughtry

After lazying and this is daughtry! apparently i can't upload the stupid videos. its very cool haha too bad. wth i haven't bathe and i just cut my fringe. idk how it looks like now. i don't dare to go and see. wthhhhhhh. i go bathe first
Fisikah test sucks just now yeah whateverzz so hard for what.
Got back Kimia and yeah haha.Quite good la.
Then just now went tpy with Agnes and Stef afr school.

I slept for like, one and half hours today so shiok! oh no its actually one hour and 45 minutes. Yay so shiok! ;] it was during EL cz ms tan was absent and half of chem period cz i can't be bothered to listen wth. and PC mdm susu never came so i slept haha and it was the longest slept and i actually dreamt.

hahaha i leaved my post just like that cz i had tuition just now so yeah. cont

after school was so pathetic. i was waiting for someone then suddenly mr.singh came out then we ran and hid somewhere. i went to look if he were there and yeah, he was there on his bicycle staring with the oh-i've-caught-you kind of scary look. All of us ran for our lives haha so fun.

Waited and waited but to no avail. Then ate @ MOS and went ard. saw Yuling and Samantha.

I think i should be less demanding. Nobody is perfect right. Yeah i think i'm too demanding. I get it. Note: this is not sarcasm. I'm seriousssssss.

Imisshimsomuchyesterdayhewasntinthemooddontknowwhethertodayheisfine. Ireallymisshimdamnterriblymuch.
His absence leaves a huge void that can't be filled. (why am i so poetric?!)

wthhhh i haven't bathe and my gown's not back yet yet. i need to find it soon or else i won't attend O0 tmr. shall post later

I love Qin Zhi Huang. and Chinese rocks.
Is this sarcasm? Decide yourself


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I am prepared to fail Fisika. Fisika is like, idk what to say.

Zaman sekarang masih gengsian? Apa kata dunia?!
Loe aneh. Gw bingung sama loe. Gw uda capek.

Kupu-kupu jangan pergi
Terbang dan tetaplah disini
Bunga-bunga menantimu

Warnai indah dunia
Bahagia dalam nyanyian
Kupu-kupu jangan pergi
Hello there's physics-kah test tmr and i don't even what's the formula for work done. -,- i need help. i have been farting ever since i reached home haha.

I am trying to do the research for english debate topic but wth everything that came out is like all so irrelevant and i haven't got anything. i even arrived in this page where they were discussing whether gay/straight clubs should be formed. wth.

You haven't come online until now and i miss you super badly and terribly. I have so much to talked about. and i dreamt of you just now and i remembered the hug during choir. oh if only...
Where are you lah
Yesyes! Chem and AM tests over. its quite managable la.

Wthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i feel like slapping you
Go and die!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I feel so much better after talking to Raymond.
Seriously, he doesn't comfort me, but he opened my eyes, in some ways, i get the whole picture.
And i guess i'm able to control my emotion now. not completely though.

You know sth, i just realised that i've been skipping dinner for two weeks. idk how that happen.
I think i'm able to get over it in two weeks. let's see how it goes. this friday's holiday but i have to go back for the stupid oo. And fridays, esp night-time, always rock my world.

Dealing with moles now. and geometry later. i want to puke

Thankyou mon! :]
I have two tests to study for tomorrow and i don't even have the bloody mood to study.
Well thanks to you, problemo.
uh i'm sucha problematic girl
I was supposed to feel happy and excited today. cz today is tuesday hello. but i am feeling kinda screwed today.

Firstly is obviously because there are two tests tmr. Chem and Amaths. you can clap. And secondly, (honestly, idk how to phrase this but well) i've been getting this signs and funny attitudes from you. I dono if i'm being paranoid or its just the truth. I'm sensitive for this matter and yes, you know i dont want to screw my friendship. I felt betrayed. not exactly betrayed. maybe backstabbed. not exactly also. this is the matter of feeling. no one can force feelings. that's why i can't exactly say you backstabbed me cz first, its not your fault to feel that way. and secondly, i'm not sure if what i suspected was right but even if its not, its kinda obvious luh.

I feel very uneasy. like out of sudden, tears can roll down just like that. i waited for the bus for quite long aft choir. i began to think. are both of you even worth my thoughts. and why am i so concerned about this matter. or do i even deserve your love and care. i know if the worst happen, i will lose you both. I don't want that. and i am totally clueless. idk how to tell you to stop being that way, or you can just tell me if that's what you're feeling. I've experienced this before. I dont want it to happen for the second time.

I shouldn't have let this happen. Let alone that feeling, i can even break my friendship. I think we've gone too far. and idk wassup with you. i'm not saying that what i feel is completely true. but, you're just making it too obvious. and why do you even have the heart to do that to me?

god, can you just let me be happy for this matter. im sick of the same old thing. im serious or maybe you can just take away this kind of feeling so i'll never feel that way. i'd rather be heartless than crying non-stop for sth that's still blur in picture. and when my vision blurred, i can see you two....nevermind. Its too painful.

For you guys that know what i'm talking about, i think you guys will think that i'm too egoistic. i know that. (i wish i can just type everything out) but when you love someone that much, you wouldn't want to let him/her go just like that.

I know my english isn't perfect but whatever. at least i get to spill everything out.
Bottom line,
It hurts so much
the asshole in my previous post didn't talk to me and he went offline at 12:00 midnight. errrr, he will never know how i feel. oh i sound desperate but whatever. its not time to be fake.

Monday, July 28, 2008




Mom's being so nice. She allows me to go back during this september holiday. I honestly can't wait. but Sher is not going back so i guess i have to go back alone or maybe with W. -.-

I love Mom and i miss Andrew. He just came back from camp haha so black lah! & you know how much my life sucks without sauce like pepper. its rly bitter. I don't like to wait.
Oh crap napfa test tmr 2.4km run-walk. idk how am i going to pass but -.- i think i need encouragement. My room got one smell. idk what smell. but i feel like puking right now.

i don't want to go to school tomorrow. miracle happen, pleaseeeeeee
Apparently, i can't upload the photos up cz its too big in size and stoopitzz blogger just can't seem to accept the sexy photos of daughtry! irritating so i have to resize the thing but i'm always so lazy so yeah maybe ten years later. right. right. right. okay.

School was 'like that lor' haha again, i slept alot idk why. maybe i dont have the motivation alrd. He's always like, my reason to whateverzz. Okay so his name is still like, ****** LOVE in my contact list. How's that? I bet its not gonna work.

ARGH. dexian just called and tuition today is cancelled. wthhhhhhh. -.-

Candies: so can you come like, tmr or wed? cz we have tests.
dexian: err but i'm giving you tuition not for tests, but you're working towards your o level right
candies: okay(??) but we need tuition for this coming tests
dexian: to tell you the truth, from monday to thrusday, i cannot

Tell me, what is he trying to say?! stupidddddddd i hate him. he anyhow change my tuition to saturday. doesn't he know that saturday is veryyyy precious for me?!?!?! asshole. Slap him hundred times. suckass./ wthh.

Ohohohohoh, again, i woke up late today. what's the matter with mondays?! I always wake up late on monday. This is the third monday i wake up late. And what's the matter with my alarm clock? i remembered clearly that i set the time and turned it on. but when i woke up just now, it's off. Did some ghosts or spirits just came and turn it off? funny.

Hey tard, don't think you're so handsome and i like you. Thanks huh but only idiot can like you. And what's with the shouting? I don't know you hello did we even talk before?! Don't act cute. Because the word 'cute' is a big cross for you. Take that/

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yay i'm back from jamming with daughtry! They rocked the amenian street manzz (K)
Loveee his sexy voice and heart their songs!
Dione took millions of picture and video but i'm not gna upload it today.
Maybe tmr or sth yay yay!

Haha w8 my phone rings.
From mom. She can't stop worrying until i reach my doorstep. That's mom.
Anws, the concert was great (!!) except for tall peoples standing in front of us so we can't see a thing. Only their head, and swinging arms. If only i were taller...

You know hehe, the concert was so noisy and the music was so loud and hehe i actually farted a few times. and it was loud. but nobody could hear. but maybe they could smell. ahaha whatever lah they also don't know. who ask them stand ard me. :)

Shit! i haven't do history homeworkkkk great job.
I'm gonna chionggggggggggggggggggg

Why are you being so cold these days?
I dont understand you,
HELLO hehe i'm going to traffic jam later! Yay yay yay! three cheers for brenda(!!)
Pepper's annoying luh!
Noviana is here haha notice sth? Noviana is here hehe.
Yeah she taught moi physics and amaths.

AHHHH stupid NGTC didn't want to tell us abt the coming am test.
And i didn't know what happened to me last night but thanks to
the four, agnes and raymond. I felt stupid.
Stupid to have put on so much hope.
Stupid to have dreamt so high.

Ah whatever. I need to talk to someone.

Hello. i am talking to raymond. oh rly miss him alot!!!! We haven't see each other for like, 2.5 yrs?! he changed so much haha his hair is curlyyy omg.

miss him. monnnn come backkkkkk!!!
I miss the and
And i also miss the bus ride. and the sentosa trip. and bully-the-maid moments.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hello because of naggy Mel Tan i uploaded the pictures. oh they take forever and i fed up alrd. actually got more but this is the nicer ones. the un-glam ones are for laughter onlyy!
Here you go!

Starnia, can, chloe
Choir sec3sss
mantou, fishy, cannie
lamel and can
hahaha runaway bride-s
-.- mel suggested this pose

fish, mantou, cat
show off our smelly feet

:) can, yy, egg, mel
retarded lol
"i love taking picture with my eyes closed"

I'm pretty much doneeeee. MELLLLLLL BETTER SAY THANKYOU!!!
Agnes, i know its hard for you okay but i know you can do it. whatever that will happen, i'll surely be there for you darling. You know i love you and what's done, is done. Go fight them, strong girl. Have faith in yourself. LOVE
I just finished hell tuition omggggg. HAHA the tuition was hilarious!

Okay Stef was so noisy ytd you knowwwww. She talked to whoever was online ytd and we just like snatching the computer from each other cz she's using my name!! PENCEMARAN NAMA BAIK! hahaha yeah then she played with my alarm clock omgggg so noisyyyy i can't concentrate chatting. -.- let me think of sth else. Oh she forced me to sleep first cz she was scared the she'll sleep talk and i will hear all her secrets(like i dono).

Its so fun having someone to sleep with you, i have been sleeping alone all this while. We talked with each other only with night light switched on. And in the midst of talking, i was dreaming of pepper's face :) so cutee!!! (squeezing my face like i always do) HAHA. i hope she can stay here like, every night. I don't mind her noisiness.

Then this morning i woke up, she's gone. I was so scared she got caught by my guardian or sth haiyooooo then she's fine la. At least she's no more homeless.

Where's pepper i miss him. Its like, 24 hours ago. :(

Hello Stef is staying over with me tonight! Yay yay! HAHAHA so exciteddddddd. i have to sneak her in and out so that my guardian won't know YESYES! hahahahah she's locked out of the house haha poor thing and i'm her saviour!

She's brushing her teeth now. i wonder how she does that! i'm going to peep!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Physics is irritatinggggggg!!! I attempted the quiz but until now i haven't submit cz i'm still at qnt 7 and you know i sucks @ physics. I needa SOS help.

I don't think i'm going to OO preview later. i'm sick and i feel yucky and my body just seems to stop working. but i can still blog. and chat. amazing.


To do list:
*` physics heat capacity quizzzz
*` emaths quizzz
*` chinese blogg
*` chinese stupid forum
*` i need to dig my ears its so itchy!
*` do sth very important

backside's ignoring me.

hello i was logged in to moodle and tried to attempt the heat capacity quiz but i'm immediately turned off. Siao wth its so difficult that i just want to die. omg. and emaths too. they both sucks.

Backside doesn't know where he stays. funny.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Death. I rly don't want to think of it but yeah it will come one day, eventually. I was talking to backside about death and he said he didn't care. I know exactly how it feels when you lost someone you really love. esp someone you can't live without. Maybe he didn't experience it before so he didn't care but for me, i just can't.

I miss my grandma. I really miss her alot. I wish i can dream of her and tell her how much i love her. I didn't have a chance to tell her that. She still doesn't know how much i love her. It's nearly been a year but i still feel guilty cz i wasn't there when she exhaled her last breath. How i wish she's still alive. She will sing all the hokkien songs, tell me stories, hold my hands tight. i miss her so much. I rly do. :(

Do you know that you are the cutest pepper in this whole entire globe?!

Finished with tuition just now.
I couldn't concentrate cz I have terrible headache.
feel like dying. I miss my mother. She hasn't called me for 4 days alrd.

Mommmmmm, do you still rmb that you have a daughter dumped in Singapore?!
Call me mommmmmmmm ( i know you will read this i just not sure if you will understand. maybe ask andrew to translate or sth) i can die missing youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Just came back and i'm so tired. i have tuition later and i don't feel like doing my tuition hw. I want to slap myselffffffff. i'm so so so sleepy now.

Okay, today school was stoopit. Cz there were no assembly. I like assembly haha you know why. cz i can get out of class. Mr.Ng is petty today. And he indirectly asked us to forget about Mr.Goh. Thankyou but i never will. who is he to ask us to forget about Mr.Goh? He's such a nice teacher, maybe he's jealous. waleow.

Then aft school went to LongJohnSilver, wanted to pass Agnes the book, but she forget!!!!!!! wasted :( I did like, three embarassing scenes today. Stef witnessed them all. then went home and i can't stop farting. Don't choke or anything if you're eating. Who ask you eat and read my blog. Wow i have a good farting skill. I can make different sounds and different volumes. HAHAHA :P byeee

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I thought i've blogged so i refreshed the page a few times but its the same thing that came out. so i just realised i haven't blog.

I don't feel like blogging. I just want to say that, i slept alot in class today. I'm sorry. But i'll try to minimise it okay. Uhhhhhh so sleepyyyyy.

My life has two sides. Now, its currently at the boring side. But i know how to change it to the other side. Not now, maybe later.

i forget my name

Dasar si amnesia bermata duitan!
Sunder bolong & pontianak. eh no la, its kuntilanak.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

for the thousandth times

It's clear now. I can get the full picture now. all those weird things that happen. whatever. just moments ago i was so high and crazy and all. but now, yeah. i just dropped from the heaven. God just opened my eyes. Thanks.

YOU. just you alone can shine my world

There are sooooooooooooooo many things i want to rant about today but i cannot.
Firstly its due to time constraint, secondly, it will be hell damn long and yeah link back to first reason.

Today's the best :D i love today :D i hope everyday is like today :D i hope i can pause just at the moments :D ohhhh life will be million times better! :D

Mr.Ng's period was so-so lah. i was just going to congrat myself for not sleeping in his class, but towards the end, i just couldn't stand it. I realised that i sleep lesser in class nowadays wow that's an achievement. and i point less middle finger, scold less 'f'. Thankyou whoever you are that you've changed me :) i sincerely appreciate that.

Again, i was crazy today. But i think today is more. History test was a surprised one. although not so surprised but i'm still surprised. Whatever i screwed it. Chem test tmr. GOGO!

i suddenly got nothing to say. Oh yes aft school went for the the NSW maths competition. i honestly don't understand why my name was on the list. i didn't even pay! and i didn't sign up for it! omgzxzzxzxz maybe that's what you call fate. yesss, fate. I didn't do the paper, just anyhow shade the answers and used the rest of my time staring at sky. *:P*

i'm rly tired,choir was the boring one i hope ms pua faster recover. i hate tests. i hope mrs singh cancel the test tmr. if only anyone can make it happen

PS: YOU. irresistable!

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm hungry.
I bet someone is eating now. jealousss!

Adolf Hitler did too much stuffs which cause me to have so much to learn and i'm so disgusted cz i'm 99% asleep but i still have to force my eyes open and study. nvm, i tell myself, study is fun.

youknow i can't stop thinking of pepper and how cute he is lol. so many flashbacks, and they are just too precious.

OHHH stomachhh pleez stop riotting cz i'm rotting

and now i pronounce you husband and wife

First and for most, i wanna thank backside for the help. thankyou horrrr haha you always help me :) This is the second time liaozzzz. you even come earlier haha (i know he won't read this but yeah saving me from e tan deserves a couple of thankyou.)

okayyy today kinda sucky bcz i woke up late so i was rushing like a mad cow. omgzzzz why does every monday have to be like this?!?!?! then went to school with emily. yeah then yeah lorr like that.

I was so crazy during moving monday omgyzzzzzzz hahaha mantou mel and dony know why :) not only that i even hugged brenda ohohhhhh i was so head over heels. then physics spa. omg that's the best. mel and i was like screaming and haha so funny laaah.

then geography we made ring. its so nice i kept wearing it but i lost it. so saddddd :( aby made it for me. i love the ring somemore got diamond then so nice :) so sad i lost it.

I love today's weather ohohohohoh so goooooood it rained. i always love rainy days and rainy days make me think of sth. :) rain.rain.rain.rain.rain.rain.rain. HUJAN.
today's dexian's last lesson with us. i think. :( so sad, another separation. that time Mr.Goh, now Mr. Lim. :( remind me of Joon Kiat.

i've changed back my picture to the cute one with pepper :)
i've created back the special folder :))
I've write everything all over again. His name, everywhere. :D
I've changed back my surname to *something* (K)

That's pepper. I can change my surname like every 5 minutes. and we got married just now. rmb the ring?! that's for our marriage. (K)(L) omggggggggggggg my heart is weak now.

PS: pepper so cutee!
PPS: pepper is so cutee!
PPPS: omgg pepper so cutee!
PPPPS: omg can't tahan luh so cuteeeee

Sunday, July 20, 2008


OMG how can i ever resist if pepper is just so cute?! how can i ever be?
Nono. too cute to be true. :) so cute lah.
omgomgomg my heart dropped.
Yay i finished tuition just now yay! HAHAA idk why i'm so happy now yayy! just yay lah.
I've tried to get over him and i think i kinda succeed! (well, at least that's what i think)

Yay! I've changed all my passwords (haha)
Double Yay!! I've changed my desktop background (i know its cute but that's one wayy HAHA)
Triple Yay!!! I've deleted/thrown/torn/erased his name in everywhere i wrote it.
Whatever Yay!!!! I've deleted that folder in my laptop and now its gone(!!)
But what i can't resist is that, all the photosss OMG. i still can't press DELETE.
NVM, man man lai. Yey i'm accomplishing my mission (yay!)

So yeah you know that letter(s), its in my dustbin now.
You know my school diary, its full of liquid paper now.
Yeah you know all the songs, it's in its supposed-to-be place now.
And you know i've changed my surname too! Now i'm back to Candies Sutanto (yay!)

HAHAHAHA i know i still can't accept the reality but sooner or later i'll thank myself for doing this. and thanks Novi for the supports!

byebye, pepper!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

banana boat

Omg i can't stop this hilarious laugh. I literally fell off my chair and stepped on stef's bread so yeah she kinda screamed cz i stepped on her precious $1.10 BreadTalk bread HAHAHA.

went dinner with her just now. one guy watched this show rly funny hahaha the person fell off the banana boat OMG so unglam and funny. We laughed just like openly with everyone ard us HAHAHAHA omg and there were this married couple and cz of the boat, they fell into the river HAHAHA funny lah i even still laugh at it.

Then aft that stef came my house and heheheh she's pregnant now so yeah. i know whose. then she got too bored then she changed my msn nick to.. wait i list down.

chicken backside & pepp3r. Egg darhhdarhh and BoObBsiiee baobeiiii on banana boat lurbbhes!

chicken backside & pepp3r. Eggnise and BoObBiee baobeiiii

chicken backside feat. Eggboob @ bananaboat

chicken backside and pepper on banana boat together with Egg and Pelototer

There're gross and basically talking abt one couple hehe. haha and then a coincidence came then we laughed so hard i fell off the chair and i fell on her. then stepped on her precious bread. HAHAHAHA very funny you know. omg we laughed throughout the whole journey home and yeah. laughing is so healthy and now i feel fresh!


You are playing a game and obviously, i don't know the rules. You know what, i'm tired. Forget it. Sometimes you rly make me feel jubilant but you can also make me sad. I don't want this anymore. byebye. time for a new pepper.
Its so retarded. I have to go downstairs' toilet everytime i want to pee or pangsai.
erghhhhh aunty can you faster fix the flushhhhh?!?!!??!!?!?!?!?!!!?!?
I'm getting irritated.

How the hell am i sleepy again after 13 hours of sleep? i dont understand myself.

turn the key, unlock the door

Ah whatever i was typing some thing which i think i should blog about but moments later i think its quite private so yeah i deleted the whole chunk of it. Okay, give you the bottom line. I miss talking to pepper online. On msn. Yes i miss him :(

OO rehearsal just now. Pepper is again nowhere to be found. Rly miss him luh. Melissa Tan, practice makes perfect horrrr. Don't say that your voice sucks cz its not! :D
(uh, they are so noisy i can't stand it. i need peace)

I regretted so much for sleeping at 7pm ytd and worse, i left my msn online and didn't reply ppl's convo. Woke up @ 1:59 to off it. OMG i shouldn't have slept so piggily ytd. I regret times a million thousand. If only i could turn back the time.

My mind can't think of anything else xcept for pepper. i just feel like typing his name as many times as possible here but obviously i can't. I will write it down on a foolscape paper lah huh. I did that before. :)

One thing i notice about ants is that, whenever they meet each other, they will stop and so called "kiss" each other before they continue their walking-in-ants-term. HAHA so cute. Imagine people doing it. okay i can't imagine.

wthwthwthwth i still can't forgive myself for sleeping for 13hours.-.-

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mr Goh's last day today so sad :( I'm going to miss him. He's so cute larr. octopusssssss!
Farewell party just now and yeah, i was sad.
I hope he come back one day and teach us again. So many people are leaving.

Heyhey i'm talking to MinJung nowww omg she's in NZ now laa preparing for university. miss her so much okay she's so cute!

I forget to bring my dress that's why i can't alter it today so maybe have to do it by tmr right. tmr will be full dress rehearsal but i can't find my silver heels yeah i'm dead. trying to dig every single hole in this house. I srsly hate this house okay.

Idk what to do. Pepper is nowhere to be found. It's been like 134289843 hours. Where are you pepper?!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

for you i will

My nose doesn't want to stop bleeding. Idk what happen omg. They hurt now. It bleeds twice today. god what happened?

how g8! its 11;19 and i'm still at the 5th page. i don't feel like going to school tmr.
Hula, i took the shortest bathe in my whole entire life, cz i bathed at the public toilet. Yeah i know its pathetic but my toilet is always with problem(s). Haha i hope they fix it by tmr cz i dont want to go down early in the morning to bathe.

Eheheheh, forget to tell you, my pink and blonde hair dropped out. Actually not drop out, but dione pulled it out. It was painful but ah, finally. I'm thinking of perming my hair and i told Mom abt it. She immediately disagree cz she said i will look twenty thousand years older haha. I'm imagining myself in a curly wurly long hair. Wow, i think i look like Ronald McDonald. Yeah, put the red lipstick up and ahaha clone. omg.

I'm super. There's geog test tmr and i'm still at the first page of chapter 4. wish me luck. god bless me.


OH geog test tmr. sucks to the core. i want to slap myself. i shouldn't have done that, you know.
now i feel bad.
My to-do list:
english debatee
study geography chap3-4
emaths homework
and i think chinese but i forget whatever

Those list just explains how busy i am going to be. OHOHOH Mr. Octopus' farewell party tmr. so sad that he's leaving. and i saw Mr. Potato just now. EW

lembaran hidup baru

wo ai ni yi bai bei. (L)

HAHAHA. okayyyy i've not done any hw, not study any geog, not touch any book, and not bathed. feel so useless today. Ohno i actually feel kinda useful haha cz i went to gym just now. phew, muscle man wasn't there!!

Stupid lah asshole you ask me to come online and you are already sleeping. want to slap you lol.
Tuition with my i-have-come-back-from-death tutor tmr, i mean today. sianzzzzz.

i'm fainting. mandy is killing herself. mantou rly works hard huh.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Crap. its raining peppers and chillis. mygawdddddd -.-
I wanted to play at the playground.

Omg i tell you something. The flush is missing again. Idk where it goes but i just can't flush okay. Its so irritating i rly have difficult time cleaning it. Andand its like swimming pool now haha. and smelly too. That toilet is just forbidden toilet manzzzz.

backside its 5:28 and i have not started on my properties of circles. my days bore to hell. and i don't know what else to say.

Ohyeah i hope i don't wake up late tmr cz i don't want to end up in red area.

till then,

Monday, July 14, 2008

Father And Mother, I Love You

Thankyou Quek HuieMin for the squishyyyyyy! I love you so much la :]
Thankyou everybody else who have been so kind to me listening about my problems. Honey, Olivia, Stef, Mantou, HueiMin, Noviana, Joshua, Frerry,Ben and (i can't tell you who hehe). You guys had been real g8! esp Honey, thanks for sheding my tears you're the best :):):) i know who i can rely on, now.

Today i shitted approx 7 times. Two times during class bonding, one time during lesson, two times at tpy central, one time at downstairs toilet, and i just came back from the toilet. The flush is fixed so i didn't really had difficult times in there. I can't stop farting omg. someone please just stop me from farting. STOPPPPPP!

My god mommy called when i was in the toilet and she actually knew that i was farting cz she said it was so loud HAHAHA she is very cute omjee i miss her so much mommy daddy brother akong ahma etcc. I miss you guys so much. Esp my cousins. My fun-time cousins.

I was writing on my table during Emaths LSP. I wrote, I miss my father. Papa. fu qing de ai. Omg and i teared. Cz Mrs Chan showed us a video on how much love a father can have towards his daughter and i suddenly think of my father. I miss him so much. Actually we don't really have much time together, since he's always busy and he goes overseas frequently. I rmbed how fun it was, watching football with him. Daddy wo ai ni. And Mommy too.

I wrote something in chinese telling myself how much i miss my family there and i'm here alone. Oh its raining now. The sky is probably crying for me. It made me feel worse. Today sucks. And i know sth about pepper from mel.

My life is getting from sucker to suckest. Suck it up.
(omg i fart again)
Hello, phone charger does not have its own feet to walk around and hide in the toilet. and no one else was around okay. And don't pretend to be sleeping while you're not okay. You think i don't know all your tricks huh. Shutting up my alarm so i will be late for school, take your longest bloody time in the toilet, and what else next huh? I tried to be so nice to you lah wahlau you still like that to me.

I seriously don't understand why you don't like me but whatever, after so much talks, i've gathered myself and i am not going to care on what you're doing. Do your own stuff, but don't disturb mine. I'd prefer to stay with that smelly girl than you. At least she doesn't hide my charger. Oh god, please lengthen my patience line or else i will just swallow her up.

Don't think i'm younger than you i'm scared of you. oh well yeah i was so sad when i know that you don't like me when i was only the like, the most 24 hours. You are not even in your room the whole entire day and you don't even sleep here. What are you trying to tell me? Why not tell me straight?

I am sick of having a disconnected roomates. I am sick of troubling my guardian. I am sick of her remarks saying what i'm egoist and i can't mix with any soul. I'd really like to have a roomate whom i can share with, talk to or anything, or at least she doesn't hate me.
I am a failure in being a good roomate.

You think i don't know? You're wrong. I don't even care if you're ever reading this.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

andrew sutanto

Andrew will start school tomorrow. It means there's 0% chance of him coming back here. And that makes me break down again. everytime i think of him or my mother, i will break down. God, please strengthen me up.

I miss him terribly much.

Andrew, if you see this, please, i beg you. Study really hard. Prove to Mom and Dad that you're capable of doing well. I know you can. I'm terribly sorry if i've never talked to you, but i simply just can't hear your voice. I love you so much. You're the best and the naughtiest brother. I realised that noone can make a better roomate than you do. Please don't disappoint us okay. And i will never forget that sentence that you sent me that day. Love you, bro. :)


I thought i've found my happiness. but i'm wrong.
I thought everything will change to be brighter, but i'm wrong
I thought i will have everything under control, but i'm wrong.
I thought the situation will turn out amazing, but i'm wrong.

Am i that dislikable that even someone that i've never talked to can dislike me? What did i do to you that makes you think i'm an irritating person? What makes you think that i'm such a bitch? What makes you have to right to judge me WITHOUT knowing who am i? What makes you think so HUH?

Don't I deserve a little bit happiness? A little bit appreciation? A little bit respect? Why must everyone dislike me? I just don't understand you people's way of thinking. Which part of me shows that i'm annoying? Which part of me makes me so disliked? I'm tired of all that unreasonable humiliating remarks.

I always feel very left out, out of the circle, unappreciated. You don't even know me, hello, our conversation is "Hello, byebye". That's the most. Full stop. And there you are, judging me like you know me the best. Why not you just say it out, why you dislike, or should i say hate me, that much? I didn't even touch a single strand of your hair.

Maybe you're the true bitch. anw, thankyou so much Honey you've made me realise. And i post this just simply throwing all my anger and not to do sth stupid. Don't get the wrong idea. I don't care if you care cz i know you just don't care.
I'm even too lazy to go pee. cause i haven't figure out how to flush the thing HAHA and how to, you know. cebok. HEHE i think i'm going to the maid's toilet. OMG PEEEEE i can't stand it anymore PEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I woke up this morning vomitting non-stop. feeling so unwell and yeah the toilet bowl is not functioning so imagine how bitter my life was, trying to wash all the disgusting vomits away and it stinks, trust me. i didn't know that the flush was missing so i just puke down there. HAHA anyone who went inside will came out coughing.

Okay so had chinese tuition now and i stayed outside but it gets too hot and i couldn't stand it so i came in. tuition with dexian is cancelled. i was trying to do emaths but you know what,?! i don't understand a single shit abt POC. okay i mean i did learn before, but you know me luh, i forget everything. wang guang guang.

I've got so much to catch up with. Chinese hw not completed, emaths ws and tys, i only do the first qnt. i gave up. seriously its tough for me. my god i need tuition teacher, immediately! thenthen i was studying geography and it got too hard i didn't understand. i think i shall change my study habit. be more serious. i've been telling myself these but i just can't change. maybe the environment here can change me.

Ohyeah i vowed to brenda ytd that i wont talk abt pepper anymore. that's hard but i know i can. no more peeping, no more ohheissocute, no more talking, no more chatting/text/call/whatever.
byebye pepper.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

muka kecewa

Finally oh finally i moved to 19th floor. that was a lot of work. but i'm not in that stupid smelly room anymore (yay!!)
I've got key to the house so i can come home without any evil look staring at me (double yay!!) but my roomate is always out so i'm kinda lonely. i wanna talk to her and know more abt her.

I went to eat Prata just nowww. it's been long. but before that to orchard and tpy central. you know today i can't stop talking and admiring that. HAHA yeah. I'm trying hard now, but i think not hard enough.

right, dexian seems angry. he didn't reply both of mine and dione's sms. i dont know why but if he comes tmr, there will be trouble. arghinloiagagbo i'm tired. and you don't seem responsive today.

Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm kinda over the moon now. i know i shouldn't but i rly can't help me. please forgive me :)
idk what to blog. we cancelled dexian for the millionth times haha it will be on sunday. then went to mantou's house andd had fun. then i'm waiting for someone to come online.

i'll post later if i have sth in mind baibai

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I went to gym just now but i didn't exercise alot cz muscle man was there and i was too grossed out to even exercise. He keep on looking at the mirror, maybe admiring his muscles which are to me, gross. EW so that's too much lah. so muscular.

Okay then school was okay luh. went home early today as i thought i would have tuition, but my tutor never turned up. so i guess i'll stop having english tuition with her. (: i love it.

Assembly was faaarny. Brenda and I couldn't stop laughing and laughing and laughing. and i couldn't look forward for even 5 minutes. kept on turning back. so cute.

There's OO rehearsal tmr and i'm not going cz i'm moving to 19th floor so yeah, you know.

Someone is very excited now for tmr. hoh hoh hoh. rainbowwww.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm not a pet

I don't know what's up with Facebook but someone actually sent this stupid picture to backside's account. in the pictures, it says,' let's make sexy moments' That's EW.
I tried to delete it but i failed. hope he doesn't get the wrong idea.

and i'm not a pet okay
i dono why i'm blogging but yeah i'm studying geog and history at the same time. how cool.


I totally screwed Binomial my love haha thankyou. (:

I went to gym just now and exercised alot. feel so sleepy now but you, anything la.
Thenthenthen sth rly funny happened and yeah haha i still can't stop laughing. omg.
Dione actually idk pepper's surname just anyhow guess. i think its wrong but better lah wrong also nvrmind. pepper <3

I think i'm moving up like, tmr or friday i dont know. (i thought it was pepper, but it wasn't)
OO rehearsal was boring like helllllllllll. and i hate him even more now. so egoistic. like the whole world is his. and he thinks he's the cutest person on earth. ew.

idk what to blog about except that more tests are coming up and i still sleep in class like noone's business. okay, its actually noone's business. its mine. i can't continue sleeping in class. that's bad. and they may just catch me one day.

PEPPER!! yay yay yay yay(!!)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

hehe haha hoho

I think i shouldn't have come online in the first place. i thought i was going to just sign in and let it be but now i'm so engrossed into conversations i haven't even open AM TB. please clap.

AH. you should've told me earlier. now i regretted.

now my computer background is so weird idk why it became black colour. so striking and irritating. omg. black background, white typings, purple heading, and green links. yuck

I'm prepared to fail Amaths. don't worry. and totto-chan with pink colour cover totally rocks haha don't laugh.

hueimin drew me a pepper journey and full of love haha so cute la i keep it in my pencil case so i can see everyday thanks darling!

Monday, July 7, 2008

marriage manual

I've got a husband. Mel too. We're going to stay in a nice house at AMK. and go to country club to play golf every weekends.

or maybe hockey.

And now i pronounced you husband and wife.

hubby and wibby HAHAHAHA


Many things have been happening lately. One by one.
Three years ago flaskback which i dont know why happen suddenly
she began ignoring me for i don't know why
my all messed up homeworks and untouched books.
my upcoming bloody test, you, and and and
my bloody guardian just came in and scolded me.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

i want to cry. i miss mom.
Hueimin's mother : Can't you respect me?
Hm: what? i need to respect my hair too.

HAHAHAHA this little kiddo really made me LOL. hahaha she actually respects her hair more than her mother. omgg. that's cool.

thank you hm. you're right
Hello. 3e2 blog's song is really romantic haha esp when i hear it, it makes me think of someone and three years back haha. i don't know why.
The moments, the feeling, ah. :)

i sneaked out of the house to go to TPY just now. i just can't stand the smell in my room. and luckily my guardian hasn't find out.

argh fuck. you turn my mood upside down.

don't make me change my mind

I feel really stupid okay. real stupid for believing.

i think today is screwed up. i am screwed up. i want to go out. but i have stupid binomial to study. i feel damn stupid. damn, damn stupid. the stupidest person on earth. even the idiots also know that its unbelievable.

i won't let myself fly that high, ever again.


I think i'm so called done with the recount. But i'm afraid that its out of point.
I think i need someone to help with the editing.
I think i know who

sleeping soon.

PS: i've been waiting. but you never come

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I think i'm moving to Jesslyn's house if possible. but i have to ask my mother first right.

feel so high now. no mood to do any homework or study.

i wrote this song about you

I told myself to be back by 6 right. But now then i'm back. Candies, you really ah, terrible. i bought a lot of stuffs. I bought sweet from Marks& Spencer oh its fab!:D i love them. esp the choco one (L). then i bought this book called twilight. sherly introduced me this book so yeah i think i have to finish my Sophie Kinsella first, then i proceed to twilight.

that security guard is really getting on my nerves. feel like slapping him. and dione was in her wedges. she walked awkwardly haha so funny suddenly she got phobia of staircases.

Amaths sucks and Dexian as well. i am going to do personal recount.

PS: where's pepper
My tagboard is dead people, what happennnn?
tag tag pleezzzz.

i miss pepper hehe
I am going out later @ 1pm to meet Anita. Frankly speaking, i don't feel like going out and i don't feel like bathing. But because she's been pleading and we haven't meet for quite sometimes.I feel very guilty, going out everyday and abandoning my studies. I haven't study my Binomial and have not yet to complete homeworks. I just want to slap myself. I shouldn't be this free. I have to keep myself busy. Okay so here's the plan for the day.

I am going out @ 1pm.
Then I will try to be back by 6. promiseeee promise
I will go to gym later if my feet are not swolen haha. If not then i study Binomial. oh, being tuitionless i feel quite pessimistic. so i hope i can strive harder. I bet every single soul in sec three express is sinking themselves into Amaths textbook. esp dione. I haven't heard of her. Dione where are you.

Okay then at night i will produce an amazingly done personal recount with excellent storyline. but i need backside's help. so yeah.

I just finished tuition and somebody is using the toilet now omgggggggggg so long. I wonder what she's doing inside. Its alrd 15 minutes and i still can't hear the shower. I think i shall go peep at what she's doing. but no matter how long she takes to bath, she's still smelly haha. & i am getting used to that smell.haha


Okay let's see how much i've done.

[s] Emaths homework [/s]
[s] Amaths homework [/s]
English personal recount
Chemistry SPA report
Study for Binomial test

Thank you chicken backside for the idea. I will work on it.
Feel half-accomplised!

Tuition @ 9.30 am later in the day, but i'm still not sleeping,yet. Thanks to jossie. I don't care i'm sleeping.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

before you went away

I feel like blogging for more and more but i don't know what to blog. what i know is that, i am waiting for chicken backside's storyline. i am sleepy yes. but i promised myself to finish my amaths before going to sleep

You know i am actually feeling happy now. very happy. but i just don't want to put on so much hope in it, cz i am scared that if i'm disappointed again. everytime. it's always like that. it's been like that maybe since i'm born. everytime i put on hope in something, it will always disappoint me. i don't know how others manage to keep their hope, hopeful.

i can't stop sneezing. superstitious people will say that i'm missed. HEHE

1908 words

Chicken backside is a great author.

here with me

I dreamt of you last night.

PS: stop showing off, stupitz

Kembali dalam dekap tanganmu

I'm done with tranferring. I tranferred thousands of songs from my friend's mp3 to my laptop. I'm only half done but whatever. I shall continue tomorrow.

I haven't study for Wednesday Amaths Test. Like, seriously i am asking for a fail. I don't understand Binomial. And my stupid tutor went to HK. so i'm like now, tuitionless. I just remembered that Dione and I have Dexian on Monday. I think i can ask Dexian to help me for my amaths. Yes yes but he's not picking up my phone.

Oh, listen to this song Terima Kasih Cinta by Afgan, Indossss. omggg so true and so, deep and meaningful. :) i love it. omgg i'm listening to it. and can't stop omg-ing. Btw, it means, thank you love. yay

Thankyou Agnes for the companion. and we watched Hancock or what i forget. Quite nice luh. And tmr is spree with Anita hoho. Have been missing her. :)

I haven't bathe and finally Inspiron is healthy thanks!
I think i shall go bathe now. scrubyyyy.!

Terima kasih cinta, untuk segalanya

Friday, July 4, 2008

marmee has gone high-tech

I think MarMee kinda know my blog and she kinda asked me who pepper is and she kinda lectured me. I kinda wonder how she found out my blog. She kinda said that i can't split up my concentration and i was kinda sleepy when she said that.

I kinda finding out how she found out and when i found out i will tell you how i found out.

a feeling this strong

Honey, i still can't forget about yesterday's coincident meeting.
Well, what a good start for a post,huh?

I thought today was going to be short since lessons end @ 12.30 but ah, not as i expected.
During English lesson, Ms Tan talked about old people being sick and wanting to die and felt that their life was meaningless. That was exactly what my grandmother felt. She was a person who would fight for her life no matter how much pain her body was attacking her. But that time, she just gave up. It's been half a year without grandma. And i felt empty. Usually when i go back to Medan, i will always visit her, but this June Holiday, i have no grandmother to visit. I feel sad. No, more than just sad

Ms Chua or Mrs Chan was late for class and instead of apologising, she scolded us. Isn't that her trademark? Then Ng TC's class was quite fast today. Mr Goh was nowhere to be seen. or was i dreaming i dono. Going to miss him when he leave.

I dont know what's up with pepper ytd and today. He actually brought my mood down but i still couldn't help it la hehe. Huei Min will kill me if she knows that i'm still indecisive. I found something funny abt him. One second he will be the nicest person on earth, the other second he will turned irritated. Which irritates me.

Went SPA aft school and we did the electriticy thingy. Quite troublesome as the voltmeter and ammeter kept turning back to zero-oh. and i got the gradient wrongly at first. so FFV laughed at me. thankyouverymuch for the support huh.
I wonder how Shahnas was doing with the podcast.

I was supposed to go Chinatown to get my laptop done and healthy, but i was just too sleepy and tired and weary so i went to sleep and i had the precious moments of sleeping.

w8 a moment i wna get honeydeww yumm
ah its finished.

I need to get myself decided. Is it this/that/this/that? HueiMin, help me!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I shall never forget that

Be Yourself Day aka Be Traffic Light Day.
Our class didn't win the most happening class but i don't think we mind because at least our class is united enough cz everyone expect for two wore sth different.

Felt so happy today. esp during the assembly. Brenda knows why hahaha.

After school which is again, a hehe, went to Agnes' house with Stef and then back to school and met Frerry. went Orchard and had Swensens. I laughed alot today i don't know why. But, there's part of the day that i will never forget forever.

I just want to melt, okay. That smile :)
I still can't get over it.
C'mon, it's been threeeee years. We've been through alot of changes but still that feeling and that heartbeat.

Me& Chua Yun Ni
Hello pregnant lady
behind thoseshades
Ms Elizabeth Tan
3E2 aka traffic light

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hahahaha i am so happy now. Nobody knows why.
Even me myself also don't know why.
I just can't stop smilingggggg! (:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

HueiMin's choco and marshmallow is the best haha yummmm too good to be trueeee. :)
i feel better
oh, my water bottle starts to fart again.

sial sial sial

I think, today is the shitiest day i've ever had.
So after choir i flew to Chinatown to get my laptop, and when i reach there thinking that it will be alright, the person told me that whatever the memory RAM is spoilt so now i left with 1GB. now now now, i have to go back again and buy the other RAM which costed 80bucks or something. fuck

That's not all. I flew there with a cab which costed me $12.55 and well, that was reasonable. But when i went home, i choosed to take cab cz i was scared that evel guardian will question me. so when i was in the cab, i saw 143 approaching. i told myself that i will reach earlier that 143. but unfortunately enough,there was traffic jam jam jam so i reach like so late and it costed bloody $22.55. whadehell if you total up that i can buy some other nice things hur and my guardian didn't even scold me she still offered me dinner. Agagagag!

So yeah i have to go back to that place again. mygod. i was praying that that will be the last time i will go there, but my wish doesn't come true. i can't possibly go there tmr cz i have choir which is sickening. i'm trying to make it on thrus but i have tuition hope my tutor understands me if not she will get fired haha.

I cancelled gym today since i got so exhausted just now i felt like fainting but thankgodness i didn't. i don't feel quite well today that's whyyyy.
Now my laptop is as slow as turtle i can't stand it.

This Inspiron is even worse than my Pahoehoe la. i never bring pahoehoe to any computer hospital. but this inspiron thingy? i bought this in less than a month okayyyyyyyy! DELL sucks.