Saturday, July 19, 2008

turn the key, unlock the door

Ah whatever i was typing some thing which i think i should blog about but moments later i think its quite private so yeah i deleted the whole chunk of it. Okay, give you the bottom line. I miss talking to pepper online. On msn. Yes i miss him :(

OO rehearsal just now. Pepper is again nowhere to be found. Rly miss him luh. Melissa Tan, practice makes perfect horrrr. Don't say that your voice sucks cz its not! :D
(uh, they are so noisy i can't stand it. i need peace)

I regretted so much for sleeping at 7pm ytd and worse, i left my msn online and didn't reply ppl's convo. Woke up @ 1:59 to off it. OMG i shouldn't have slept so piggily ytd. I regret times a million thousand. If only i could turn back the time.

My mind can't think of anything else xcept for pepper. i just feel like typing his name as many times as possible here but obviously i can't. I will write it down on a foolscape paper lah huh. I did that before. :)

One thing i notice about ants is that, whenever they meet each other, they will stop and so called "kiss" each other before they continue their walking-in-ants-term. HAHA so cute. Imagine people doing it. okay i can't imagine.

wthwthwthwth i still can't forgive myself for sleeping for 13hours.-.-

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