Friday, October 31, 2008

Radios in heaven. Im playing my song in the radio

Hello pumpkin,

I'm back from scanning. It was really scary and troublesome -.-
I don't know the doctor kept talking to me in biological term and she asked me if i take Bio for so many times omg. Hahaha nvm she's cute. I have to go for the thing next year. She said its okay cz there isn't any dangerous sign heheh i'm quite relieved eh.

Okay i need to get ready to go for Halloween party w/ 3e2 haha yay. I'm not feeling so well. I'm spinning. I mean my head. Idk i don't feel well and i was late just now, i came to school @ around 1015 heheh. Yea whatev today is the last day of block timetable i'm so happy. I feel like vomitting yuck. I can feel the fluid at the back of my mouth. Ugh i painted my nails just then i realised i have physics spa on monday so i have to erase it (!!) irritating. Haha the (!!) doesn't mean *overly excited* but *overly pissed* haha nvm you won't get it.

You know what. I kinda miss talking to backside. :( Idk what happen also. Goodluck for your remaining paper k.

I haven't bathe idk if i should bathe, okay obviously i have to but i don't feel like dressing up can i dont dress up. Ugh minnie mouse, what the heck candies! shit la want to change also cant!

Hehehehehehheheheehheeheheh i feel so happy yeh and they still haven't update me about the night safari thingy so i don't think its still up. Mygod i need to sleep. Ah no time alrd :( weh weh weh okay i'm really going now

Thursday, October 30, 2008

TGIFTomorrow haha

Arggghhhhhhhhhh my head doesn't want to stop spinning until i have to talk to my head. from screaming out til i did heart-to-heart talk. i know its funny talk to my brain with my heart but can't help it i hope my brain understands but it doesn't seem to give me any reaction so haha i think only medicine can talk to my brain gahhhhhh.

I don't want to go school tmrrrrrrr. :( i'm so sick of lessons lessons and lessons. I need a breakkkk. Even hols, my mom alrd planned a full tuition timetable for me omg i feel like crying. When can i have like really time that is called HOLIDAY hehhh we are not robots okay and there's still this stupid choir camp to organise thou i'm not going. mel and i have to look for choir tee vendors WTHHHHHH :S

and you know what, i just realise i've got tons of homework not done oh thanks huh history i have to do cz haridass had been staring at me last lessons ee i don't like it. Andd oh i've to read through physics SPA file cz apparently my spa is way before the rest. this monday. okaayyyy it suckssssssssss.

Hahaha i think this post is all about complains. I better go do my hws before i lost my interest. Heh okay i'm never interested but yeah okay hoho i shall really catch up.

And appointment tmr. I'm so scared. They are going to do the scanning. :( i'm so scared i'm so scared i'm so scared i'm so scared. I'm so scared i can't think of any other word except, I'm so scareddddddddd. I think i don't want to go. Damnit i don't want. :(:(:(:(:(:( pray for me people.

Quek said no pepper talking until tmr 4.00pm. Haha quek, i'm typing about pepper so its not counted kay. I don't want to talk about him anyway. Hehehehe okay huh baibai.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

yg slaluku nanti

:( another friend leaving me. Gosh, what's up with everything. I've had enough. I'm not ready to lose my friends. Uh why. Okay i know people have to move on in life, but why altogether? Ben's leaving for idk where. I didn't even bother to ask. Wth why so suddenly? ARGH ARGH ARGH.

I'm so pissed. No, i'm so sad. Whatever. I told ya, i gotta be strong! QIANG!
Why is it so hard to fall asleep? I hate insomnia. Wth i have been rolling on my bed for 1hour30minutes but i still can't fall asleep. I have been lacking of sleep nowadays. Please please i want to sleep i don't want panda eyes okayy.

Pray for me people, will you?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Je suis fort!
Ik ben sterk!
Ich bin stark!
내가 강한 오전!
Saya kuat!
Io sono forte!
Sunt puternic!
أنا قوي!
Yo soy fuerte!
Tôi mạnh mẽ!
Ja sam jak!
Είμαι ισχυρή!
I am strong!

HEY this is in 15 languages so i guess you're pretty much convinced right? Yeah i'ma strong girl.


Shit shit shit peopleeeeee. I had appointment today with the doctor @5pm but i didn't go shit how. And i still don't know when will the surgery be. I'm so scared here they write down 7/11/08 but i'll be in thailand that day so idk how. Remind me to give them a call tmr kkkkkk.

Hi i'm confused. I'm really confused. WOAHHHHHHHHHHH today's tiring. Bon Voyage Olivvvvv see you next year :D

I don't know what else to rant so yeah i better go bathe now.

hello i'm candies archuleta

I finally can smile. Thanks guys.

Okay so watched HSM3 with Agnes, Brenda, Chloe, Frerry, Kelvin and Neng Jie. Then you know the first scene was Zac's face omgggggggg hahahaha so cuteee i love his fringe. Bouncy bouncy. Hehheh i think only Agnes understands this so yeah nvm.
Tell you, they were so loving i told brenda, urm nothing haha. Yeah so like that.

Then after movie went to meet HLC peopleeeeee heehhheehhe. The usuals la. Alex, Eric, Nadya, Olivia, and William. Then you knowww haha we watched the coffin. haha hear someone screamed the whole time its me haha. William kept nudging me to silent me but to no avail i couldn't stop screaming. Finally i gave up trying to watch horror movie, i listened to songs and slept awhile. Omg told you my heart cannot take it. They said it wasn't scary at all but i don't know why i'm so scaredddddddd. I could actually see Olivia covering her ears when i screamed so loud everyone was laughing.

Listen to the thunder. Okay there's no thunder here but i'm listening to thunder now. Wth boys like girls la. Now crush. You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized. Okay get over with it.

After movie, went to...okay so there were alil arguement over eating place. Finally we settled wating @ Fish&Co. They were bunch of people celebrating bday. I really think i should've celebrated mine there. Yeah they kept talking about nothing but Ghosts. Wth scared the hell outta me. Ohoh maybe we're going to night safari yay after 3e2 chalet. Yay haha i love them. :D they made me smile, even laughed.

I was telling them maybe we could catch one more movie so i can like break record you know. Heehee but didn't la in the end. I want more outing w/ them! Haha veryyyyyyy long nvr see them alrd. Ohoooohhh this song's piano very nice i love it omgomg so nice. So talented.

Enough of ranting about my day. I received a letter from ICA offering PR. I don't know whether i should take it but aiyah let my parents decide la. Idc. Shit i forget to ask Mom if i can go back during CNY. shit shit remind me tmr okayyyyyy. Love you.

Monday, October 27, 2008

You can never ask for too much

Hey peoplee i didn't sleep the whole night W.O.W haha i was watching Eiffel..I'm in Love the whole night. Then yeah i'm practically exhausted by now, but i still can't close my eyes.

I did my chem tys alrd :D so proud of myself. And also Amaths! Hehe did some physics ytd. Then i've studied Geog the coast also. Omgomg feel so gooooooooood :D But you know, i still don't understand the Periodic Table. -.-

Then what else... OHOHOH HAHAHA YAY QUEK AND MEL IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha quek texted me at 2am in the morning!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Without you i'll be miserable at best

I am eating tom yam cup noodle heehee. I'm still scrolling up and down. I think i should get paid for that cz it feels like a job. Huh. We both know that you're not that strong. Wth i feel damn bored i'm talking to nobody now. How i wish.. ugh nevermind.

I forced myself to listen to that song even though i hate it just because its the song you like.
I think i found this bulletin in friendster okay i'm going to paste this

1. What's your name? Candies
2. Fav food? ben and jerry
3. height? 2 meter
4. hobby? sleep
5. are you having a problem? yes i think
6. gf/bf? nope
7. where is your gf/bf schooling? i say i don't have
8. pretty/handsome? look like shit okay
9. Does he/she have to be rich? YESYESYES haha no la
10. accept he/she for who he/she is? i'm not getting married so whatever
11. which one do you choose; good-looking but cruel or bad-looking but nice?
-cuma org munafik yg bakal jwb pertanyaan ini
12. what grade are you at? sec 3
13. have you ever done something wrong to your friend? i guess so.
14. what school are you in? beatty
15. happy there? heh idk
16. many friends? yeah
17. write down two of your friends' name. candies and sutanto
18. any problem in school? yes, urm no.
19. your best gf? many.
20. love them? obviously
21.any of them was your gf? hello i'm not a lesbian
22. anything to say? heh? i love you. haha
23. your best bf? haha don't have
24. love them? NOPE haha
25. any of them was your bf? nope
26. which one is the best? huh. idk haha but you know who's in my mind right
27. anything to say? heh. i hate you haha
28. crush? do you have crush? YESYESYESYES haha wth
31. why him/her? CAUSE ITS HIM HAHAH
32. since when? 118 days ago. haha
33. any of your friends know him/her? HAHAHA MOSTLYYYY
34. like to steal glances? don't tell me you can read my mind
35. what do you think about this bulletin? retarded.
36. make a wish. urm okay
37. don't type out. haha i won't
38. what's your wish? WHATTHEHELL
39. hope your wish come true. thanks
40. good luck. haha weirdddd.

okaayyy this thing is really just to kill time but my fingers are numb now. Oh don't remind me. I'm so sad. Its the tenth day okay. wth byebye hey jun i miss you

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I realised i forgot to upload it so haha this is all i've got. One picture is missing.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Okay, you've got to see this. T.T

CANDIES (~) Over the edge just breathless says (11:21 PM):
gw td tidur sampe jam 10:50
Fernando says (11:21 PM):

CANDIES (~) Over the edge just breathless says (11:22 PM):
gila gw babi bgt
CANDIES (~) Over the edge just breathless says (11:22 PM):
gw tidur2 trus akhir2 ini
CANDIES (~) Over the edge just breathless says (11:22 PM):
skrg aja masih ngantuk
CANDIES (~) Over the edge just breathless says (11:22 PM):
Fernando says (11:22 PM):
lu baru sdr kalo lu itu babi?
CANDIES (~) Over the edge just breathless says (11:23 PM):

Wth can anyone slap him please. Oh wait i haven't translate.

Candies : I slept til 10:50
Fernando jadi2an : Haha
Candies : shit la i'm so pig always sleep i still feel sleepy...
Fernando jadi2an : You just realise that you're a pig?
Candies: *&*^%&^*(&)()

Okay now you can slap. Haha the Amaths sucker. Suck even more in consoling people. Wth its not the right way okay you can make some depressed jump down straight away. Don't ever console people you. suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I wonder how the Avenged Sevenfold's concert is going. Or has it finished? I dont know don't want to think of it i very sad. Okay i'm going to study Olvl is coming in 360 days love you people.
Btw i'm still hungry anyone care to supply me food.

I'm surprised i can make it without you

its a boygirl thing.

Heehaa you know whattttttttt?
Okay obviously you don't know.
Today is 24th of October which meanssssssssss its Avenged Sevenfold Concert today peopleeeeeee! & i can't go. :( ugh! I hate it. Nevermind the next time they come i make sure i am the first to reach.

I don't know what to blog, actually. I just don't want to sleep and be a pig. I think i'm going to revise. I feel so studious eeyeh i'm scared of myself. Wthamitalkingabout.
Haizhaizhaizhaiz. I just watched its a boy girl thing and i think its cool :)

I'm looking around my room, searching for inspiration. I don't know what. Maybe inspiration to blog. Anything. Just anything. Maybeee i can post up some peaktures.

Tell me what's the opposite of hate? I don't know
Crappy omg can i go any crappier. Please i don't want to fall asleep. Heh heh heh heh i am still searching around.

Oh i asked Mom about my guitar-learning-journey.
She said cannot first, then i said its free, she agreed. But when i said i have to buy guitar, she changed her mind again. Mom you very cute but let me learn laaaaaaaaa. Oh i just found a packet of M&M's i'm going to eat them.

Lessons are boring why do we have to come back when the rest of the sec 3 students in singapore is resting already. I don't want to go back you think i like the school so much uh spend so much time in it. Haiz. Next year. Don't want to think of it.

I hope this is just a dream. Okay that was a random lyrics popped up suddenly. Oh i just received a text. Wait.
Hahahaha you know whatttttt i'm going to tell you the content kay.

Amaths SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Huahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaa i'm laughing like nobody's business now damn cool the msg. I was rolling on the floor. Not because of the msg alone, but because of the sender. Omggggg its so funny. I won't tell you who cz probably i'll get killed. Hahahahaha omg this is just too funny. Joke of the century.

I think i've posted long enough (thank god) byebye i can't take it i'll go sleep

Thursday, October 23, 2008

imagine me without you

Seriously, what is God planning to do with me? Why is he giving me only unfairness? I know i can't complain coz its my fate destiny or what ever you call it. But please. I don't wanna lose another friend. Why. I mean like, they are my pillar of strength. I can't lose them. Why people are leaving? I don't understand? Please. I'd do anything just so you stay okay. Don't leave me. How can i stand losing another friend? I know there'll still be MSN, texts, phonecalls and stuffs. But we'll be far apart and can't see each other. I don't know. I feel so confused and lost. Why are these so unfair? Where were my happy days?

God can you please give me strength. I need more. More than this. Its a mess now. & it takes time to organise everything. I can't do it alone. Serious. I'd do anything to make you stay. You are my friend and i don't want to lose you. Do you know how hard it is to find a friend like you, listening to my everything, share things together, heart-to-heart talk, and everything. Problem, if you want to come and attack me, can you like, come one by one? Not all together like these? I'm almost drop dead okay. Please. I beg you

We'll be back again.

Heyyyyyy. Its 6.41 AM now means i have ard 4 minutes to blog. i don't know why i come online at this time and blog. Maybe because yesterday i slept at 6.30 right up til morning hahaha. Okay and i have a lot of undone homework, okay i'm super sad.

And i didn't manage to catch the big news ytd. I'm eating mee goreng now which is like super nice. I was deciding between blogger or livejournal. I've decided to post on livejournal first, then go to blogger. I'll paste this whole chunk. So you just need to go for either one.

Thanks Mandy and Dione for the companion ytd. I really need you guys. Or else, you know la, i'll be adding to the average number of teenager commiting suicide.

I don't know since when you changed to such a person.
I don't know you anymore

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

everytime i leave my heart turns grey

GanEngSeng, Whitley, Teacher, MacPherson, Whitley, Bishan Park, SCGS, Beatty(!!)
Eric, William, Mr.Yow, Alex, Olivia, Nadya, Asri, Candies
(i looked deformed in both pictures. Yeah that's what i said)

Doesn't mean i have livejournal now i will abandon my blogger. Haha nonono. And you know what? I'm super pissed at pepper right nowwwwwwww. Omg he's such a jerk. What the hell was i thinking? I'm so foolish. D: Whatever. What's done is done.

Went out to eat dinner with Olivia. Okay i'm going to repeat my day. I skipped choir just now. Went to meet Hua peepzzz. Olivia, Nadya, Eric, William, Alex, Asri, and me. Woah i feel so 'olden-day' just now. Like kept talking about the pasts. It's so fun that, i almost forget my trouble for a while. But its only for a while.

PS: Ben, think simple okay.
It doesn't matter anymore.
Whichever way i'm going.
You won't be there.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I hate it you know. I'm sick of all these okay. I hate trying to accept things that are unacceptable to me. I sighed too much nowadays. You know almost everyone always successfully make me angry. You know how troubled i am nowadays and please, the least you guys can do is to be an understanding friend. Okay whatever yes, you think you are understanding enough as a friend. I don't blame you. But please, don't do something that hurt me okay. I'm so sensitive now, you know why.

Really. I'd rather spend time alone rather than hanging out together cause i don't see any point why i should. But sometimes i think that rather than staying at home be an idiot, scroll the computer up and down, and hoping that someone will just pop online and talk to me. You know, someone. Its a crazy thing to do if i continue that, i might go to mental hospital. So i think why not spend more time with my friends and maybe they can help me to reduce my trouble a bit.

But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I don't get it. Is that something wrong with me now? Everyone seems to be displeasing me, alot. Okay i cannot take it anymore. Don't come and ask me why. Ask yourself. I know you guys are my friends but please, sometimes, just think before you spill out something. Even if you don't mean it. My feeling is uncontrollable now. Stop all these or i might just explode one day. I actually exploded just now.

I'm sorry if i changed. I don't want to. Gw nga tau kalo dia itu bkl kasih gw impact yg segitu besarnya. Pikiran gw itu skrg cuma dia, dia dan dia. Gw mohon, ngertiin gw. Gw juga nga mau jd kek gini. Siapa yg mau sengsara trus setiap hr nungguin kehadiran dia yg kayak nunggu salju turun huh. Gw capekkkkkkkkkkk uda brp kali gw blg gw capekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Capek hati, capek pikiran, capek toleransiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

Whatever. I suck. Please don't be my friend. I'm not a good friend.

i tried to read between the lines

Hello. I fell asleep just now i've missed the moment of life. ugh you won't understand. shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. okay nvm. what's done is done.
okay i'm sinning tmr. I'm going to skip choir to meet all HLC buddies. YAYYYY omg you don't know how happy i am i finally get to see them all.

I keep reminding myself. Tmr, tmr, tmr, remember to bring camera. Yes yes remember to bring camera, don't ever forget okay don't ever or i'll cry. Anybody, please care to remind me kaykaykay. Yes i'm going to put this on my reminder thingy. OHOHOHOH and choir gown! or else magdalene might just kill me tmr. Yesyes so its CAMERA and GOWN. okay you know what, i just wake up from my really deep sleep, and i dreamt of pepper. Tell me how am i going to have the proper one tonight. Oki, its already night, but aiyah, you know what i mean la.

what else to say ummmmmmmmm. no more. i don't think so. Oh there's lesson tmr and i'm so grossed out.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hey. I'm back from movie with Egg, Frerry and his room mate. Watched Oh Baby. Haha wth its Indo movie and frerry fell in love with the yellow girl. love at first sight -.- Idk what else to rant. oh after movie went to Prata House and had really late dinner, maybe supper. I'm super full now. I laughed so much today everybody seemed so funny. Woah laughing is contagious.

I miss Mel and Hueimin. Haiyo only 1 day. I miss pepper more. Okay no i'm not. But yes i am. Ah, whatever. I don't know what else to rant. i'm going to sleep soon, there's school tomorrow. Worse, there'll be lessons tmr. Ag, i have no life. Sec 3s have no life. 'O' level is in probably 365 days.
Ohoh, all the O levelians (esp Ben(are you happy now?)), good luck okay. May the force be with you guys! :D Not with force but with skill. Heh. Ew, my room has the perfume smell again. :$

I miss this. Like, really.


Hey. I'm back from airport sending hueimin and mel and glen and emily and the rest. Quek and circles looked so cute omg. I wish i was half as lucky as she is you know. Circles, don't ever hurt her okay or i'll slice you into million pieces. You don't know how lucky you are. Okayokayokay i miss them already.

I don't know. Can i expose it here? Nowadays, my mind has been filled only by one thing. You should know what. I feel really terrible. People told me its worthless and just forget it. But every time i want to give up, part of me still think that there's hope. I don't know when i'll be sure that its hopeless, but at least i want to stop feeling miserable. AHHHHHHHHHH i don't know how to describe this feeling. Is this going to end just like this? What am i talking about. I don't want this. Can you tell me this is just a dream? A really bad nightmare? And when i wake up, everything will be alright, we're talking happily and those never happened before? PEPPERRRRRRRRRR!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Heeeeeeey. I miss you. You as in you haha. Agnes is beside me staring at the screen as i typed haha anything la. She's doing something okay. Forbade me from mentioning so yeah haha i don't know what to do now. Haha she just hugged me so tight i couldn't breathe.

why do i keep running from the truth

I just deleted my post three times. I don't know what to post. Someone cheer me up.
"He's a jerkkkk!" says Brenda.

Thanks guys i love you.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

my back is turned on you

Ugh, i thought after everything, it would get better. Maybe more enjoyable. But i guess i am wrong. After everything i'd do, all sacrifices i'd given, all the efforts i'd put in, all the worries i'd feel, all the anxiety i'd encounter, all the guessing i'd play. After everything. You left me disappointed. You blamed me for things i didn't do. I thought i knew you. And i thought you know me as well. But now i think our friendship is merely abstract. I realised, knowing you isn't just about knowing all your routines and stuffs. I don't know you at all. You don't understand me at all. I should've known that you'll bring me heartache.

Whatever. I've been so dead and lifeless i don't know why. But i think you know why. Ugh what am i talking about. I'm troubled enough okay. Thanks huh.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

a feeling my heart can't deny

Ag, as if i am not depressed enough, you still have to add my load by talking crap. I really feel like slapping you. Can you just shut up and what has my personal life got to do with you. You're not even my friend and only my friends know me okay so shut up.

I've got new neighbour today. Frerry moved to Trellis today and gahaha he's staying alone so i think he's kinda freaked out now. Imagine staying alone in the house that i would say, scary. The house is so, eerie and solemn. I don't know. Like, nevermind.

And quek don't be too sad okay things will get better. Always smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :]
I love you pick up my phone!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

i should've known that you'll bring me heartache

Peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haha my title has no resemblance at all to my post kay.

Everyone, my result is depressing. as depressing as when you're broke. oh even worse than that. alot more worse. i don't dare to tell my parents, my tutors, my guardian, and yeah. I'm sorry i disappointed you guys, i am also very disappointed in myself. You know what, its time to reflect. I won't blame any contributing factors, only myself and my carelessness. If only my eyes are wide enough. I made the stupidest careless mistake ever.

Let's not talk about exam result kay. Or i will be as depressed as great depression. Ben, goodluck for 'O' level okay and stop laughing go do your revision. I don't know what else to say. Goodluck to everyone else out there.

You know what, i'm going to study. No joke. I'm really going to study. I'm going to do tys, then after that i re-do the exam papers.

What a pathetic life i've got.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

a little bit longer and i'd be fine

Hello Rose

Hello today has been quite great haha yes. went out with Olivia just now. so fun we had time to catch up on each other. have been missing her so much. I think this year i only went out with her like, less than 5 times.

Okay so, we went to town, walked around yeah la maybe you can guess what 80% of our conversation made up of. Don't mention. Its obvious enough haha and everytime i talk, she started rolling her eyes and said, "Dia lagi.." okayokayokay. i will stop saying.

Then i told her i want to be maid in the future if gw nga bisa jd istri dia haha then she burst out laughing haha wth what's wrong with being a maid! Okay i actually don't want. I will bleach everyone's clothes and probably cut all the electricity wires and my employee will bring it to court. yawww scary. I have tonnes of photos to be uploaded but i'm always too lazy. I realise, my blog is very bery wordy.

See the picture aboveeeeee!!! Its my drawingggggg!!! I know its retarded and ugly but haha its my first masterpieces. I love 'em. what the hell i just realise i havent edit the fingers.
now i shall go and do something meaningful.
i wanna add sth here but i forget what. shit. err wait i think first. ohyeah. my stomach aches. i shall go toilet. and eh, got sth else!!! what ah! oh shit tmr's monday. :( i haven't wash my gown HA HA HA HA

Saturday, October 11, 2008


what the hell i'm super super super bored i have been rolling on my bed for the past hours and quek is still mia. suggest me what i should do whatthehell why i so bored i have nothing to do. mamamia tmr is another rotting day. everyday rot at home omg i can be rusty candies by then. but i don't want monday to come. cz it means getting back result. and yeah.

tell you what, i havent bathe. so i shall go bathe, go take money, go bleach people's clothes, go cut the electricity wires, so explode the kitchen, go float the toilet, and mess the house. i can't take it when the house is too dead, and neat. mygod everything's so in order. jing jing you tiao. what the hell. i mean, what the hell am i posting. i'm bored beyond explanation. i need refreshment. what the hell. can anybody help me SOS i need boyfriend, you see. but my boyfriend so busy now. omg my room so humid and hot and smells like perfume. wait i go on the air-con. woah shiok. now i can smell myself. what? smelly. i haven't bathe.

boredom disconnects all my circuit and results in crappy post. can anyone be crappier than me? uh can the perfume smell go away i can't stop sneezing. i really need to create new to-do-list. okay maybe i shall go disturb people. but noone to disturb. and i'm too lazy to check my phone. well, i dont even know where's my phone. oh shit! where's my phone!??!! i think its in the toilet. i forget to bring it out with me. haiyo.

the whole time i'm typing all this crap, there's someone i'm waiting for. i can't wait any longer

dione seah is coming to my house and i hope she can help me organise my room. help me neaten them. hahahahahaha okay i really need to go bathe, and kill the witches. omg i'm crapping again. my fingers just don't want to stop crapping. what the hell? my fingers can crap? okay i'm really disconnected today please don't mind me hahaha source of entertainment la or else i'll be adding the the average number of teenager commiting suicide. bye lizard.

kana kini kunu kene kono

Hello. Actually i have nothing to post. But i realised that my few posts have been so short and meaningless. okay, like my other posts are meaningful wth. yeah maybe i will start crapping until i reach 1234586909587668596574 words kay.

firstly, i'm so sad cz just now i woke up at 3. not because i woke up at 3, but because i was late. i was supposed to meet my uncle and aunty and cousins, but i couldn't make it. haiya that probably explains why i am rotting at home and quek is mia. they are going back tmr and i'll miss them, esp the cute Justin omgomg he so cute. oh have i told you that, he won the most photogenic award in his school. omgomg haha see, told you he's cute.

okay now i have nothing to do. yes, actually have. i have to pack my room. You know, my room is worse than any other warehouse. oh even some warehouses are packed nicely, stored accordingly. but not mine. you can ask those who have entered my room before. i really need one whole day to sort things out. Funny and i have some more to do. yes to take money for fees. i have so many debts. haha bad debts. what the hell. hostel fees, tuition fees, school fees, and many more. i received letter from the bank just now. they informed me that the money in my acc isn't even enough to pay school fees. omg somemore this month have to pay til year end. i hope Mom knows and already transferred. *keep my fingers crossed*

so actually i have many things to do but i'm just too lazy.
1. take test paper from Olivia. (this is the one she borrowed from me)
2. so take money to pay off debts.
3. clean my unrecognisable room.
4. install anti-perfume smell in my room. (it almost made me choked to death)
5. call my boyfriend ( this is when i have one)
6. go and disturb quek and circles.
7. call everyone and disturb everyone.
8. investigate some facts and discover the truth (HAHAHAHA wth i sound like detective)
9. what else to do.? hmm... sweep the floor
10. bleach everyone's clothes except for mine. (this is when things get intolerable)

apparently, i can blog long enough if i want to. i just type anything that comes to my brain. anything except pepper. no doubt its always here all the while. but keep me from writing about pepper. no, i'm not writing anything that concerns pepper.

omg why am i rotting.? i think i prefer exam at least i have something to do. wait wait i made the whole after-exam-to-do-list but where is it.? why during exam i feel like flying free so much but now that i'm free, i feel like having exam. sherly finishes her exam on 17th. i wanna join her omg i shall go read national geographic. what the hell everything is boring okay maybe i try reader digest. but geek, its even more boring. okay i shall go read newspaper. but the newspaper is all about the global crisis, i already read just now.

okay quek is back so i shall go talk to her. where is everybody else? and why are you petty again? i don't understand.
i thought i can't mention anything about pepper?

so my post pretty well explains how bored i am. boredom kills

you know where to find me

Anyone know if there is a shop that sell card written, 'Happy Birthday, My Ex-Boyfriend' on it? because apparently someone needs it and i don't think this card exists.

oh and btw, Mom came back from Japan i talked to her after years and she said she bought me many stuffs yay can't wait to see them. love you Mom, and Dad!!

What will the world be like without you?

Any guitar expert? I seem to lose my guitar skills. :(

Friday, October 10, 2008


Hello. When can i see you again. Uh, now its your turn. How long do i have to wait. Tell me.

Went dinner with my uncle and aunty and cousin. Justin is really cute. omg i mean really cute.

and i dont know what else to say.

Fine. My life is really empty now. without communicating with you. i mean like, i feel so lifeless now. I don't know. What the hell. I miss you. Really.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


tampines has many cute guys.
that's all i'm gonna blog today.

I don't know what's got into me.

TTM,HTS, whatever you call it.


damn it. damn you. damn the world.

go back to your sink

my uncle came so suddenly he called me i was like 'HAAAAA?????' hehe but its cool cz you know what, he came with Justin, the cutest creature ever. omg can't wait to pinch him manzzzz.

Okay, now, i dont know what else to say. so byebye

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


what the hell.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

house bunny lele

Actually i need help on physics you know shit la how. i got so many qnts dont know how to do mygod.

Tomorrow is the day. ag i don't know how i am feeling now. can anybody tell me? I don't feel xcited at all. Because,... its physics tmr. Because,...there's choir tomorrow.Because,...don't ask me this one.

I asked Ben about physics just now he couldn't answer me like almost everything haha

Me: eh i wanna ask you something
Ben: what?
Me: %*%^%#^%^&*&$#$ (question)
Ben: wait i think....
after five seconds
Ben: eh, i dont know.
Me: this one leh? *(^%^%$^&*(&^%&^&
Ben: never hear before
Me: what about this? *^&&*%^%(*&)_(#$%&^
Ben: tell you something, my physics sucks.
Me: (why didn't you tell me from the start!!!!!)

thanks anyway but i need help really or i am going to fail p1. anyone help me. where are all the physics genius. backside, i need your help

mommy cutie i miss you


First and for most i'm gonna say this. Open your eyes big big don't close don't skip any letters. Hahaha what the hell.

Ben, hehe i know this is reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy late to say its almost two weeks, but Happy Birthday(!!) i'm sorry i forget to tell you or wish you not because i'm disorganised cz i'm busy with EXAMS!! Goodluck with yours. Oh well, you're not online now haha.

And another recent belated, DIONE TAN SOO MENG! hahaha i'm sorry i change your name but its really cute you knowww hahaha. cute name you've got. thank me.
Happy Birthday
darling you've turn fifteen so sexy now huh. Hope you find your fishball soon huh. (hope you get what i mean. don't laugh if you do) i love you a million huh and grow more mature, be more forgetless okayokayyy later soo meng scold you Hahaha. okay love you darling.

It feels so good to finally come online again muackxxzx haha i haven't touch my laptop for so long. Record man/ Actually i still have paper tmr but,... i lied to my guardian. cannot tell her huh. Honey is studying outside so cute i wanna join her. i can hear,"pressure is applied...exerted on it...deposition(?) " okay so basically yah.

what i wanna say. oh yeah urm eh exam is almost over if i have to think back about my badly done paper, i'm so depressed. :( and you know what just now i just 'd e f e a t e d' Jamie huahuaaahaha so proud of myself. i dont want to think of exam anymore hush hush go die.

Ohyeah i may be going to Genting with Sherly on 25th yayyyyy genting i miss you muachzxz hehe then it'll be very very fun. but gotta tell mom, haiyo she still hasnt come back from Japan. bet she's having so much fun honeymoon-ing with dad huh chase all the children away. saddddd. they everytime give reason what, wanna go honeymoon. dono how many honeymoonssss already. i think theirs is more suitable called honeystars. HAHAHA. oh she's going to kill me if she sees this. whatever.

i think i'll stop here. remember i still have phy1 tmr. then after that, the freedom door opens!!!!!!!!but sadly, when it opens, another door closes. you know which. byebye.

ehhhhhhhhhhhh wait! haha one last thing i forget. thanks arwin for helping me with chem and phy and geog heh some qnts came out just now on chem p1. gdluck for O.

PS: limewire, what happen to you

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hello i'm still @ mandy's ugh i still haven't finish chem. and emaths is still untouched. i hate myself.
i shall get back to work. can anybody tell pepper to be less annoying.
i hate pepper. i love coffee.

oh yeah, let me introduce you to coffee,
next time.

cya love you (K)


Helloooooo peopleeeeeee hehehehehe finally i can come online and post on my blogggg yayyyy
Haha i'm @ Mandy's nowww ehehehe she and stef is studying and i'm surfing the net and waiting for pepper hehehehehehe.

Exam sucks to the core i lose dono how many strands of hair alrdddddd hehe.
I have been to MacDonald the sickening for so many daysssss you know. 4 days consecutively. I am really sick of Mac.

I am really hungry now you know mandy cannot supply me food. ag, i am sick of chem. can all the knowledge go into my brain themselves without needing me to squeeze them in. ugh, another imagination.

I didn't have school today but i went to school. yeah weird. went with Quek. Asked mrs singh a few questions abt chem and went back. i dont like exam. ugh i haven't finish chem. still got so much to go. and i havent touch emaths at all. i am not ready for tomorrow.

You know i shall train myself to be more care less cz it kinda irritates me when i have to worry about something that i am not supposed to be worried about. sometimes even, not necessary.

ag i'm hungrrrrrrryyy.
and i'm waiting for my KFC. hehe

I love pepper. k, stef is naggy. i shall go back to chem.
pepper, where are you. pick up your phone la. slap you.

People said you dream of someone because you miss that person.
I have been dreaming of you.