Sunday, October 26, 2008

I think i found this bulletin in friendster okay i'm going to paste this

1. What's your name? Candies
2. Fav food? ben and jerry
3. height? 2 meter
4. hobby? sleep
5. are you having a problem? yes i think
6. gf/bf? nope
7. where is your gf/bf schooling? i say i don't have
8. pretty/handsome? look like shit okay
9. Does he/she have to be rich? YESYESYES haha no la
10. accept he/she for who he/she is? i'm not getting married so whatever
11. which one do you choose; good-looking but cruel or bad-looking but nice?
-cuma org munafik yg bakal jwb pertanyaan ini
12. what grade are you at? sec 3
13. have you ever done something wrong to your friend? i guess so.
14. what school are you in? beatty
15. happy there? heh idk
16. many friends? yeah
17. write down two of your friends' name. candies and sutanto
18. any problem in school? yes, urm no.
19. your best gf? many.
20. love them? obviously
21.any of them was your gf? hello i'm not a lesbian
22. anything to say? heh? i love you. haha
23. your best bf? haha don't have
24. love them? NOPE haha
25. any of them was your bf? nope
26. which one is the best? huh. idk haha but you know who's in my mind right
27. anything to say? heh. i hate you haha
28. crush? do you have crush? YESYESYESYES haha wth
31. why him/her? CAUSE ITS HIM HAHAH
32. since when? 118 days ago. haha
33. any of your friends know him/her? HAHAHA MOSTLYYYY
34. like to steal glances? don't tell me you can read my mind
35. what do you think about this bulletin? retarded.
36. make a wish. urm okay
37. don't type out. haha i won't
38. what's your wish? WHATTHEHELL
39. hope your wish come true. thanks
40. good luck. haha weirdddd.

okaayyy this thing is really just to kill time but my fingers are numb now. Oh don't remind me. I'm so sad. Its the tenth day okay. wth byebye hey jun i miss you

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