Sunday, October 12, 2008

a little bit longer and i'd be fine

Hello Rose

Hello today has been quite great haha yes. went out with Olivia just now. so fun we had time to catch up on each other. have been missing her so much. I think this year i only went out with her like, less than 5 times.

Okay so, we went to town, walked around yeah la maybe you can guess what 80% of our conversation made up of. Don't mention. Its obvious enough haha and everytime i talk, she started rolling her eyes and said, "Dia lagi.." okayokayokay. i will stop saying.

Then i told her i want to be maid in the future if gw nga bisa jd istri dia haha then she burst out laughing haha wth what's wrong with being a maid! Okay i actually don't want. I will bleach everyone's clothes and probably cut all the electricity wires and my employee will bring it to court. yawww scary. I have tonnes of photos to be uploaded but i'm always too lazy. I realise, my blog is very bery wordy.

See the picture aboveeeeee!!! Its my drawingggggg!!! I know its retarded and ugly but haha its my first masterpieces. I love 'em. what the hell i just realise i havent edit the fingers.
now i shall go and do something meaningful.
i wanna add sth here but i forget what. shit. err wait i think first. ohyeah. my stomach aches. i shall go toilet. and eh, got sth else!!! what ah! oh shit tmr's monday. :( i haven't wash my gown HA HA HA HA

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