Tuesday, October 7, 2008

mommy cutie i miss you


First and for most i'm gonna say this. Open your eyes big big don't close don't skip any letters. Hahaha what the hell.

Ben, hehe i know this is reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy late to say its almost two weeks, but Happy Birthday(!!) i'm sorry i forget to tell you or wish you not because i'm disorganised cz i'm busy with EXAMS!! Goodluck with yours. Oh well, you're not online now haha.

And another recent belated, DIONE TAN SOO MENG! hahaha i'm sorry i change your name but its really cute you knowww hahaha. cute name you've got. thank me.
Happy Birthday
darling you've turn fifteen so sexy now huh. Hope you find your fishball soon huh. (hope you get what i mean. don't laugh if you do) i love you a million huh and grow more mature, be more forgetless okayokayyy later soo meng scold you Hahaha. okay love you darling.

It feels so good to finally come online again muackxxzx haha i haven't touch my laptop for so long. Record man/ Actually i still have paper tmr but,... i lied to my guardian. cannot tell her huh. Honey is studying outside so cute i wanna join her. i can hear,"pressure is applied...exerted on it...deposition(?) " okay so basically yah.

what i wanna say. oh yeah urm eh exam is almost over if i have to think back about my badly done paper, i'm so depressed. :( and you know what just now i just 'd e f e a t e d' Jamie huahuaaahaha so proud of myself. i dont want to think of exam anymore hush hush go die.

Ohyeah i may be going to Genting with Sherly on 25th yayyyyy genting i miss you muachzxz hehe then it'll be very very fun. but gotta tell mom, haiyo she still hasnt come back from Japan. bet she's having so much fun honeymoon-ing with dad huh chase all the children away. saddddd. they everytime give reason what, wanna go honeymoon. dono how many honeymoonssss already. i think theirs is more suitable called honeystars. HAHAHA. oh she's going to kill me if she sees this. whatever.

i think i'll stop here. remember i still have phy1 tmr. then after that, the freedom door opens!!!!!!!!but sadly, when it opens, another door closes. you know which. byebye.

ehhhhhhhhhhhh wait! haha one last thing i forget. thanks arwin for helping me with chem and phy and geog heh some qnts came out just now on chem p1. gdluck for O.

PS: limewire, what happen to you

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