Sunday, May 24, 2009

baby before its too late

Hello. Today is sooper chinese-y. I listened to chinese radio station, talked in chinese, sang chinese songs, did many exercises. Wooo I'm on my way!

And alsooooooo, I exercised! Did crunches, cardio, and I ran 3km woooo. Now I'm a lil giddy haha from the extreme exercise but I feel good! Yay yay yay pepper must be vry proud of moi. Hehe or at least pepper's girlfriend. Ok shut up. Haha

Cool cool cool I think jamming so many chinese things at once doesn't help so I'm taking a break now. Meeting mandy and dione later so mandy my saviour can help moi!!! Gracias good! Hahaha

You know just now I did one zhong he tian kong, then they talked about people have common sickness. I wonder what! Haha its taking someone for granted. Rong yi ba qing dai zai shen bian de ren yu shi shi wei bi ran. :) yes people are like that. It goes without saying. Bu yan er yu. When the person has gone, then you appreciate his presence. By then it'll be too late. That's why I always cherish my friends, family, and everybody around me. Even those I detest. Because when they're gone, they really are. Its always useless crying over a split milk. Right, I should totally tell myself this a few days ago. So people! Treasure every moment you spend with your loved ones, because we never know what will happen tomorrow. It remains a mystery :) wow. And also, when you don't say something you need to, to someone, one day you might find its already too late. Ydk how true it is, but I believe. Don't regret, becaust it always comes last. :):) back to chinese! Wooo my adrenaline is rushing me yay!

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