Friday, May 22, 2009

I feel like a crybaby. I just can't get over this.

Chinese O level is in 9 days' time. I don't know what to do. I don't want to flunk it. So much for saying I don't care, I still care. Chinese IS important. If it isn't, then why the school bother to offer Mother Tongue.

I will try to look at the bright side of things, although its still dim, but maybe I can forget about everything else, and just concentrate on my chinese and fight until the very end so whatever result I get, I won't be disappointed. I'm pretty sure I will be able to pull it through, because when there's a will, there's a way. Cool. Seems like I'm getting back my positive thinking me back!

My results are pukable and horrendous. But that should spur myself to work harder and achieve better, not to put me off like this. I shouldn't give up because of this setback. Have to be bai nian shu ren hahaha. I will just have to take one step at a time. For now, clear my chinese first, then work my ass off for the rest.

I should really stop...comparing and condemning myself. it does no help. Maybe this is a wake up call and a sign for me to geekify myself. I know everything comes with a price to pay. But is a pay really worth, that's up to me to put it.

I think my chinese tutor will scream for joy when I tell her I'm treating chinese seriously.

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