Saturday, May 23, 2009


I was standing near to the window when I talked to quek on the phone and I felt the urge to jump down. He he like it will be cool maybe to land on grass and be retarded without anyone noticing. But anw I didn't because I don't have the guts and heheh no balls.
I am back to using my blackberry because I kinda miss it and I kinda feel annoyed when I typed with my sony tiny phone haha. So yeah somemore I can use the internet. Cool I miss you.

Ytd we celebrated jesslyn's belated bday heheh so many bday hoh. Met up with vincent, agnes, lisa and stef @ tpc and bought the cake, rushed to trellis and called her down. We hid behind the wall while stef waited for her. Ate the cake then after that vincent left, we went to the pool and talked until 11++, jess went back, we sent ag and lis back, then walked back to trellis. Talked to stef until almost 3am and I went back, collapsed straight away.

I should really keep myself from laughing at steven everytime I see him. I feel bad D:

I am still comtemplating on whether I should go for choir concert or not. To go or not to go; that is the question.

Okay, back to chinese!

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