Monday, May 25, 2009

let me know you love me

Let me know you love me, let me know you care,show me what you're thinking and tell me that you'd be there.

That was part of the lyrics for the dance song. I love the dance. The steps are coolio! Haah but now mu muscles ache like shit. But it felt good to sweat. Okay good. I'm hungry.

I'm watching shi dian xin wen haha. They reported on david hartanto's death. Ugh idk why but I don't believe the bao dao. How can he be so chong dong and jump down while he's already in his last year of education. Whatever. Chinese rocks.

I stumbled upon a blog. Haha the blogger posted her point of view in fairytales and she mentioned, cinderella. She said we shouldn't blame the two evil sisters because they lived up to their mother's expectation and if only cinderella were ugly, would the prince marry her, just because of one night dance? Hmm. That is just a fairytale. That's bedtime story. Idk why they argued so tensely over this topic and used sarcasm here and there. I mean, everybody have their own point of view. You can't make everybody agree with whatever you think, right? Its okay if sometimes what you assume isn't like the rest. But its very childish to argue over a, fairytale? I don't know whatever its not my problem also. I just got quite disturbed.

I hope Andrew is doing good, consider he's single now. My brother is strong. So I suppose, he'll pull it through yea?

Ahhh shi dian xin wen ends. Sad :( now, I am scared of my own sudden chinese craze. Hmm

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