Sunday, August 31, 2008

Shit i'm so tempted to talk to him. but i can do it!!! GOGOGOGO! ah god bless me

ehehe ah can't tahan the temptation la. so ya can guess what im doing hehehe.
Mom just forved me to go gym with her. eikk
Shit i'm so tempted to talk to him. but i can do it!!! GOGOGOGO! ah god bless me


I'm so happy now. Yay yay hhahaha this is what i've been craving for!
Ah, love it.

PS: pepper is being very weird. can someone explain whyyyyy?
Pepper ah pepper//

1 more shocking news.
Oh so shockinggggg

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Yay yay yay i'm such a happy kid! I've arrived here here here and now i am in mom's room hahaha.
Went to eat dinner with family oh love love love and saw so many cute guys oh!! thich eyebrows, tan, wah amany lah wanna die!!!!! Hehe i'm so excited now so excuse the (!!)s !!!!!
hhahahah yay yay oh i saw my primary school classmate just now he is so cute now lah cant tahan my god. & i think we'll have reunion later yay yay can't wait! guys we have so much to catch up on i love it. yay yayy i love this kind of environment. so noisy so many people usually i alone in the room. ah, i hope time can stop/

and my heart breaks

I feel like shit now. Really like shit. I wanna die.
Going off soon, but i don't feel excited.
Its a miracle if i'm able to survive.
God, help me, i need you. Its a terrible pain.

Friday, August 29, 2008

End of the love story

Hello i'm sooper dooper sad today.

Today marks the end of term 3 of 2008. You know this 10 weeks have really been a roller coaster for me. Its ups and downs really were significant to my brain, even till today. Of course you know who contributed major-ly haha,

Really. 10 weeks ago, it started, and i shall announce that today, exactly ten weeks after, it ends. I signed an agreement with Hueimin, Stef, and Agnes just now. I hope i can keep my promises. Shit my stomach aches. and when my stomach usually aches, you will say, ' go toilet'. What the hell stop it la. I promised, & i shall keep it.

Its really hard, many things happened within these 10 weeks and i realised that i've learned more about life. From all the advices, opinions, actions, expressions, words, etc. I don't know if i have to be happy or sad right now. I really can't decide

Hueimin said that i can always destroy our agreement if i'm not ready. but if i keep on procrastinating, i won't ever be ready. I honestly don't know how am i going to survive this one week holiday without..., you know. I am not going to type out how does my face look like right now coz it's...disastrous.

But anyway thankyou Quek HueiMin for the cheers, encouragements, motivation, and opinions. I can't love you more darling. But i think i need more guidance. And i need to thank all my other angels, like Sutrisno, Mandy, Stef, Mel, Frerry, Noviana, Brenda, Fendy, Monica, Dione, etcc. Woah so many people ah! Thanks huh! If i forget to mention yours, i'm here to thank you as well. I don't think i am able to survive these 10 weeks without the aforementioned. Thanks really guys. I love you.

So now please stop me from even mentioning that name okay. Thanks and please pray for me. You know how i feel now? Terrible. I feel like puking. Cz i need to pangsai now!! HAHAHAA

PS: such a bitter end. Without any goodbyes

Thursday, August 28, 2008

funny guardian evil

Finally i can't hide any longer from my guardian so she came in and i was like, yes studying amaths yay yay so she couldn't scold me. but ah i dono how come she knows but the conversation went like this,

Monster: hey candies i want to ask you, do you have boyfriend?
Me: Huh? Since when? @-@
Monster: I don't care what boyfriend you are having but please don't abandon your studies.
Me: Huh? I don't have. How can you assume yourself?
Monster: Don't lie. How i know is not the matter. i will tell your mother if you continue this.
Me: I swear i don't have, okay. (and even if i do, its not your problem)
Monster: then what's that? (pointing @the photo)
Me: Duh, he's my friend. Sumpah tante!
Monster: but he quite cute leh
Me: #$%&^*$%^&*(!@^#*(^#@^$&*

i dono what's up with her she suddenly changed mood and said he was cute. wth. as long as she doesn't report any misunderstood stuff to Mom, i dont care what she thinks. okay byebye


Can i go back to first april two thousand and five at around nine pm after i finished my dinner and my phone rang and i ran outside? Uh, i don't know why i suddenly think of it. Shit it was such a beautiful and sweet memory. Oka i shouldn't talk more or else something wrong might just happen.

It has been three years. I thought time heals?

This house believes that i am a solitude HAHA

Hehe guess what i'm hiding in the toilet haha cos apparently my monstrous guardian came after centuries and and haha she's here in the house i am so scared i don't want to talk to her so i'm sitting hehe and typing. My laptop can last for err.. 2hrs&41min. i hope she's gone by then. oh shit got sound wait i mute them first. hokay muted alrd.

Walao she is still outside. haiyoo why so long. here so hot so dark cz just now i forget to on the light i faster came in ahhhhh! walao my life so sad i have to hide from her lol. &&& i was supposed to meet Nadya @ Orchard but i couldn't make it cz got one big monster outside how to sneak out!?!?! sianzzz.

Ah, why am i blogging about her haiya whatever la. Guess what, i just farted REALLY loud and i think she heard. and i think she's outside the toilet now. i have to type really silently. thankgid there's a dog barking like mad downstairs so my typing sound is kinda covered. BUT the dog isn't barking anymore! eh dog, please bark louder!!

Haiya okay lah i talk abt today. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I forget everything. I just now that today's weather is really nice and cooling. oh so much loved. if only singapore has this kind of weather every day. then just now during recess was superrr cold and i was like telling mandy, "If only pepper were here to hug me then i very happy!" haha okay it sounds wrong. nvm you dont get it.

ah i just deleted thatparagraph i typed cz its all about pepper and his cuteness. Ag, i'm getting mad. And i miss JoonKiat and Dexian. Haiyoooo. okay so then aft went tpy with QuekQuek haha then very funny we kept thinking 'if you were pepper' 'if you were him' 'if i eat with him' 'if i eat this way in front of him' and many more if-s HAHA

okay so i'm still in the toilet now and its getting untolerable. siao so hot i feel like dying. Tmr's teacher's day celebration. I still rmb last year mandy and someone, and then the sms i sent that caused sth to happen. It was exactly a year ago! Mandy you still rmb?!?!

Yahyah so with this, i end my speech. eh err i mean my post.

PS: pepper ni zai na li

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hello haha today first thing, i slept during physics which was disappointinggggg
ah i dono what to say about today. No commentzzz lol haha i skipped choir
I went to watch the inter-class frisbee match between the sec3s. Hah walao loser.

Something happened and ah, i dono what to say.
Only thing i know, i was worried.
Okay so, after that went to tpy w/ stef & agnes. ate MOS.
yawyaw haha agnes and i were like comparing who could burp longer and louder.
obviously i won! haha and stef went like, 'ee, you very dirty leh' haha

lol okay i suddenly feel like puking. as in not literally. whateverrxx byebye

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

never knew i could hurt like this

Mom i miss you and i need you.
I need your warming hug and can cool me down instantly.
I need your love and your care.
I need your encouraging words, Mom/
You are the reason why i strive hard. well, not hard enough though.

Its 4 days away from now and i can't wait seriously i did my to-do-list. I think i will beg Mom further. I won't give up. Circumstances force me to. The more shitty things i encounter, the more i want to move out. I know it means arguing with her which is the last thing i wna do. But, the sooner the better.

These few days have been shitty and disgusting. Why am i that idiotic and stupid. I don't understand. But thank god i have angels like Agnes, Stef, and Mandy.

That's it. I've been acting like some idiotic desperate person. I'm gna end here. I mean my post and that thing.

If you think this is stupid i know some of you might be rolling your eyes right now but you just need not to care. I don't know what happen to world nowadays. Or rather, what happen to me. Byebye.


Monday, August 25, 2008

hungry very :S


Hey you need it, you get it from me. Get it?
& please, stop being so munafik.

if you don't understand what munafik means then too bad cos actually i also don't know what it means. Like menor, i know. Okay only someone will understand. Yea, but you're munafik.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

yay yay ahahaha

I don't know if i should believe in that, but it felt true and real.
I've never believed in this kind of thing. but now, i'm baffled. Should i or shoudn't i?

I feel very accomplished today cos i've done my history mindmap and chinese wb. Haha actually chinese wb is mandy's job haha. I was under the rain, it was so heavy that umbrella didn't do much help. But somehow, i love the feeling. & i think i'm sick now haha. coz i start to feel giddy and wobbly like elderly.

I did SS mindmap for that lazy dumb. (okay tuition now i will come back later)

Hula i'm back from tuition, it was good and effective. Haha and tell you one secret. My tutor looks like pepper. Hehehe. and i did many practices and understand more on Further Trig. Yay.

Shit i haven't finish the SS mindmap. Only one chapter. three more to go. and where are you stupid i wanna slap you. kay i needa rush baiiiii

HAHAHA funny luh

AgnesSutrisno is funny loh

CANDIES! (ip) Peluk aku tiga menit says:
haiyo lu kok dc
agnes sutrisno says:
agnes sutrisno says:
biar dpt attention lu gitu
CANDIES! (ip) Peluk aku tiga menit says:
CANDIES! (ip) Peluk aku tiga menit says:
agnes sutrisno says:
khan takut lu gak mau ngmng sama gw
agnes sutrisno says:
jd gw sengaja dc gitu..


Candies : haiyo why you disconnected?
Agnes: to get your attention
Candies : HAHAHAHA walao
Agnes: cos i scared you won't talk to me
Agnes: that's why i purposely dc.
Candies: -.-

I bet you wont understand but to me its really funny.
Yay Andrewwwww! Miss you luh brotherrr.

Walao agnes/
Walao Andrew/
Walao backsidee! don't petty luh

Saturday, August 23, 2008

HLC reminiscence

Still remember yesterday, went to Olivia's party. Woah saw so many HLC peoples. Mygod miss them so much laaa. Then Nadya, Alex, William, Olivia, and I sat @ one corner reminiscing our old retarded times, like how we used to be so childish, ran ard the school chasing each other. and the letter thingy(!!) omg i nearly forgotten. and how they used to tease us (hehe). how we used to talk bad about the teacher in Indo cz the whole class was practically Indos haha. How we used to compare our heights and how we used to steal the postcards from learning lab. how chris would scare me when it came to ghost festival. how he would tease me with youknowwho. haha so fun. and how we used to tease Hendra. and how we used to run all the was to orchard from novena in an hour's time. how they used to hide me from someone HAHA.

And that made me thought of the moments in Pasir Panjang. when there were like, real cool housemates. Raymond, Lisa, Sugi, Nico, William, Jeffry, William, Viar. Although we stayed like, so far out from town, i really like the environment. Like how we stayed up late watching Indo channels, laughing at the non-stop-talking-on-the-phone Raymond, bullied the maid haha steal her food. How we used to walk home from HarbourFrontCentre back ahaha it was damn tiring, but we talked alot. i forget what. How we used to have the 11pm walk to 7-11. How we used to sneak out from the house and go to pool. Ah so many memories. How they used to tease me primary school kids as i was the youngest. And how we used to phone to prank call people. and how we used to walk @ orchard till late at night and we were the only one. And how i used to get angry with them and stop at random busstop, i got lost and they went ard finding me HAHA. But now, we are separated. I really miss them alot. Like some, i even dono where they are. Raymond is in Australia, Viar went to US, Lisa still in Sg but dono where.

Three years back, the HLC times, ah, undescribable. I'd pay any amount of money to get back to those times. but no amount of money can buy back those times. I didn't realise how fun, and carefree my life was.

All the used to be-s. I miss you guys. Glad that we reunited ytd.


Yoyozzzzz i just wake up haha and again, i fell asleep with my laptop on my lap. I think i heard before that its not good to have your laptop on your lap cz of sth i forget. haiya whatever la.

I think i'm going to watch fireworks tonight. But see first if i have the mood to go. and see if pepper is online HEHE. stupid pepper.

actually i don't have anything to blog cz i didn't do anything today, so i'm super bored today. Ah, i haven't do any work. Actually have luh. I've done history mindmap. Left amaths. cz i've done geog on thrus. remember? (ag, why must you rmb?)

Haha i'm talking, no typing like someone now. Heehaa

mati kebosanan eke

Jijay bosen manzzz. nga ada yg mau ngomong sm gw. cuapek deh

hehe uda nga lagi kok. uda pada mau ngomong. heheh
lholholho? kok nga dibalas? swt.

bambam bibambam

Went to Olivia's bday party just nowww hahaha.
Josh, stop being so gay can?
It wuz fun luh like jokes, screaming, laughter and all.

Then Nadya and I went to fetch the GOH of the day and i don't know but i think Olip is either thankful or angry. Aiyah obviously shocked luh. but but but i kinda love it and i know how she felt. Now, its 23Aug. another person's bday. ag, three consecutive birthdates.

I think you're strong i know you can do it kaykay. oh where are you stupid don't make me wait like this weird asshole.


Friday, August 22, 2008

yeahyeah i dono haha

I slept with my laptop on my lap HAAH cool rightz
Today was okayyy yay debate postponed to next week.
Ah, nothing else.

Cheer up, backside! :D

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hello congrat me cz i can't walk now yaya awesome right my left leg's muscles are aching and i have to sit on my rolling chair and roll here and there to move about. ouch its terrible.

How could this happen to me? Leg, get well soon. ILY.


Walaoezxzxz i went for dental in the morning then the dentist put fillings cos she said my tooth got a hole. woah damn pain i tell you i was screaming and pulling the thing off my mouth. seriously unglam. It wuz so pain i couldn't talk and i have to mumble which was irritating. It still hurts until now now now.!

Sutrisno came to my house just now and we were being so retarded, like fighting over my bed. Like, "GO AWAY!" then "DON'T WANT!" haha funny luh. then now she went back and i'm waiting for my tutor. why is she not here yet? my tooth ache and tutor is always late.

Hehe helped my friends on her Amaths Further Trig. Hehehe i feel so smart and useful hehe. like, i can help her solve the question while i'm not even sure how to do. I'm so proud of myself!

Walao tell you ytd, i shouldn't have done that. Mandy knows why. I think i did the wrong thing. Actually i got alot of things to say but i dono how to re-phrase it so i will end here now byebye

PS: i need to peeeeeeeeee!

I'll see you on the flipside

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

can't help but to hear

Helloooo although i don't feel like blogging cz i'm sooper busy with my debate. Imagine tmr i have to debate walaozzxzx and some more memorise the script. but i love rebuttal. hehe. wth idk what else to say you very funny very weird very unique very rare.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Huh huh huh huh nobody's onlineee i only talk to Stef now haiyoo. very lonely today. where's Josh? I know he's alrd in dreamland. Hahaha he didn't dare to pick up my phone just now cz he knows what i will do to him.
YAY someone's online yay yay omg yay yay i can talk now!
Oh yes yes another one yay yay! haha suddenlyyyy.

What what what i know there's amaths test tmr but who cares manzzzz i'm gna depend entirely on my luck. walao walao i hate it but i love it. i'm crapping sorry just don't bother to absorb anything. Hey i need new url please suggest. i want to use back my moomootailgaychick but its now used as an advertising ad. WTH.

I dono if i have to be happy or sad? It works both way maybe. Mommy why you like thattttt?
Ah how can you just cancel like that? It's unfair Mom. Unfair. I've been hoping so much for it, but you just cancel without asking me. Mom, why? Ask whoever to translate for you cz i know you will eventually read this. You brought me to the moon, made me dream of this and that. Having a chance to escape from everything and start fresh. Ahhh, you disappoint me. I shouldn't have hoped so much. See?

I'm biting my lips. I want to speak something. something against your decision. I tried to speak. but only my mouth parted. no words came out. I'm such a fool. Whatever. I know i'm meant to be dumped here, and only here. thanks so much



You know why i start my post happily?
I love Tuesdays. Oh yeah, part of it.
But Chem test suckzz luh like, so hard i don't even understand.
Thenthen stupidd laa i feel like smacking youyouyou!
I don't wanna write poem again so i'm adding this xtra line.

I'm changing my url constantly hehexx there's a reason to it. don't link them yet til i found the suitable one kaykaykay. You know i hate it when people don't reply my text. esp when i'm waiting for it. waiting you knowwwww. walao

Linear Law tmr die die die, haha i can't be bothered manzz i had tuition just now and i wuz so sleepy so i didn't concentrate. Have to call Mom later cz have to ask her many things. Mom! IMY. and and and. Oh finally after years, i'm almost done with my Twilight. Haha and i bought New Moon so i'm finishing it tonight yay. Ah, somebody help me.

I need rescue

I mispelled 'research' as 'reseach'

xxxxxxxx I farted alot today xxxxxxxxxx

-------------wahlao i feel like dying--------------

\\\\\\\\\\\\\i miss my brother////////////////

^^^^^^^^^^^i can't wait for september holiday*****************

############nono. sept, you better don't come first ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Monday, August 18, 2008


I registered two days ago but i was only informed ytd. so yeah i think its quite impossible but, just pray. But, wait hold on, my age. Idk if a fifteen years old is qualified for college. HAHAHAHA quite impossible,eh? I dono dono dono don't ask me i'm confuseddd.

I need to go for entrance tests, and interviews. Wth. I hate that. But hehe means if i'm accepted, i won't need to take 'O' level?! woah shiok. but don't think too much first. Its like 0.009% i'm gna be accepted cz its like in a few months' time.

I know you dono what i'm talking about. I'm planning to go to Australia to so-called escape from 'O' level and it'll be so-called through train for me. still, i shan't put too much hope.

Ah today shucks shitz to the core bottom of the earth ah i hate myself today. Ah and you're really annoying pepper wassup luh stop playing be serious. where you wna lead this whole damn thing to? at least drop a hint or two. thanks

Ohohoh i'm so scared someone's turning homosexual so i'm going to study Chem. Irrelevant but its okay. CHEMCHEMCHEM

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Even though today is the fruitful-est day in my life, i still can't produce the best fruit.
I still haven't finish everything.
I'm still halfway through Amaths, and SS is untouched, and Chem is still 50-50
Ahh, stupid i am sleepy+sleepy+sleepy+sleepy=SLEEPY

I'm so happy now yay yay i won't tell you what happen but oh so happy yay yay.
Mygawt so happy i'm jumping haha i mean after i type this i will jump. HEH
Love today yay haha actually not. Yeah, love PART of today yay yay ohhh
i'm jumping!!

Yes, i jumped, and i feel tired now, and i perspire.
Heyhey i wna celebrate Indo's bday on Tuesday yay
Monnnnnnnnnnnn, we have celebrate okayyyy
Maigot i'm feel so happy cz Indo won 5 medals in total yay yay
and i'm currently in love with Michael Phelps. I wanna marry him!

Speedo gave him million bucks omgg i wanttttttttttt
He's probably the richest man, with 8 gold medals and a million buckss.
I bet someone is jealous now rightzxzxzxz.
Don't petty luh! Reply me! (ah haven't)

I think i'm writing poem again. its four by four again hahahahahahaha
i think i'm sooper random and high today ahahahahaha
i think that's why i blog so much today hahhaahahahahahaha
i think i've posted three posts today hahahahaahahahahahahha

and why are you still not here?! haiyooooooo


Eventually. today is half fruitful, half not.
Okay let's see what i did today.
I completed my chinese worksheet (wow)
I've done english filing but i lost a few items.
I tried to do amaths tys but to no avail. tuition later.
I read Chemistry abit so haha

I'm left with Amaths tys, SS, abit of Chem and that's it yay. So maybe its like 78.95373847281497% fruitful luh. I have to understand Chem soon ohoh test is very near yeah.
Went to Mac to study with Mantou just now. But didn't really study, cz we talked more HAHA.
Okayokay Olivia's bday is coming and i need to prepare.

My tuition is in 9 minutes' time and i shall go down now.
&&&&&& lastly, i think my new skin is cool yaw.

OHOH one more
Happy Birthday Weilin! :D:D:D

Shit shit shit. I suddenly miss my brother so much. I shouldn't shit but yeah why so suddenly?
Ah, yes i've been missing him for these few days it feels rly empty without him here.
my stupid brother, the one that will secretly download tons of games into my laptop despite thousands of warnings. Real cute.

I hope he's doing well now there, but i know deep down inside he misses singapore damn much and esp his friends. i read his blog and then i knew he has grown up and i'm so proud of him. He rly can take the pressure my mom gave. she really pushes him and he knows that its for him own good. but still, he is better than me, being around with my family, is all i can ask for.

I have this sudden feeling of taking Chinese into serious consideration. I can't continue failing my chinese like, really badly cz Mom will be disappointed. (i guess mom changed alot cz she's less naggy but hey that makes me sad even more. she doesn't nag, but from her tone, i can see that she's real disappointed) i know she puts so much hope on me, but i can't fulfil them, instead, i disappoint her. im such an ass.

I will take my 'O' level chinese in less than a year time. And considering my standard now, there's no way i will pass. Mon passed hers and backside too. I want to be like them. They are also Indo but why can they do well but not me? Hey i've got brain too right?
That's why. I shouldn't be here and have to start revising like 'O' level is tomorrow. ( okay i may not get a chance to sit for the paper but well, why not?)
No procrastinating. I shall make today a fruitful one. God bless me.
I'm really truly proud of being an Indonesian. Yay Indo rockzzz.
Hey nation, you're 63 years old now.
Berkibarlah selamanya :D

A day out with Agnes and Frerry. And as usual, continuous laughter and jokes.
went to Fendy's sister's bday celebration and off the Orchard.
Watched Meet Dave and i slept. HAHA but its nice overall.
Saw Nadyaaaa yay my long-lost frienddd.

Then went to Prata Houseeeee yay and Stef joined in.
I love Prata and i love them.
I rly hope that Indos will gather more often and go crazy.
They are bunch of crazy people and i love being with them yay yay.

I miss Junia hehehehehezzzzzzz my foreverloveshoppingpartnerrrrrrrr.
Cant wait to see her yay Jun come hereeee so we can rock the stores.
miss you and our moments, babe!
Ouchhhh my stomach aches. brb

Hello i'm back. ahhhh relieved man.

Hehhh you know ytd night i was finding baby's name.
Finding name for my future son and daughter.
Then then then backside said, name them Sonny and Daughtry.
Ahhh you get it right? Yes i hope you do.

Urgh, i need a new school baggg. Wth i'm sick of my Kipling.
I'm not writing poem again righttttt
Why isit four by four again?!
Haiya i dont understand luh. byebye

Friday, August 15, 2008

snapped :)

So this is the neoprint we took on 9th august.

Hehe and Mandy passed me the card just now and i read all the mssg-s. Thankyou guys. Idk how many times i must thank Mandy. Hehehe then i saw this pasted part and said, it's a secret. only for candies. I didn't go and look at it. i thought it a plain paper. but mandy asked me like, have you read the secret? I was confused la. what secret.

then i went into class and opened it and saw the message. i kept saying 'omgomg' and stupid butcher said,"Are you guys ready?" Wth so irritating.

i slept again during physics. sorry but i rly couldn't take it. after that got PSL meeting and i'm homeeee. i re-read the cards like, so many times. all the messages. i can't get bored of it, and i will never be.

Thanks guyssss ILY (K)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hi gusto mo ba kumita ng pera sa fs blog mo?Yes totoo pwede ng kumita ng pera sa profile natin.Marami silang program doon tungkol sa money mamili ka na lang.

Eto yung website nila

Can anyone please translate this i dont understand mamamia. so scary! Hahaha i received this just awhile ago.
I feel like a loser today. whatever. time heals. byebye.
Having tuition. YSC
Hehe i didn't post just now (13/08) cuz i was busy doing sth.
thank mrs singh that chem test was postponed if not i wont be able to do it.
hehe tmr's gna be exciting hehe frerry knows why.
then then i was about to blog abt how i feel today but no it doesn't matter anymore now.

i was talking to frerry and asked him how this how that
we came up with very lame things and i bet i'll 90% screw it.
i think frerry is capable of being a life consultant.
i suggest that he go open one clinic HAHAHAHA

i was rly sort of ideas. i never was haha i dono why.
maybe yeap, i think too much, i worry too much.
he hasn't agree yet. i'm begging him no matter what.
he has to agree no matter what yes i will persevere. gogo candies.

my internet connection was down just now so i decided to study.
feel quite accomplised today as i did quite a number of things.
and i eat xtra alot today. i fart xtra loud today hahaha.
my neck is getting tired so i need to rest it. yeap.

i feel like i'm writing a poem. its four by four, if you haven't realise.
and i feel like telling you something.
Life is so unfair.
I bet everyone knows this but yeah it feels rly true for me.

and lastly, i forget sth.
Happy Birthday Backside. oh sorry, Arwin.
may you turn from chicken to monkey someday!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I told myself,

Hey, Candies, its less than three months time from now. You have two
choices. One is you enjoy what you can enjoy now, just go with it,and let it go when the time arrives. Or second, you can just bear with it this three more months, maybe avoid a little, so when its finally the third months, you'll be more prepared. Its not easy but you can do it. Make your decision fast, or you might regret.

I bet you don't understand what i'm talking. My life suddenly becomes so complicated. This and that. Ah, you don't know how much strength i'm left with. I think just enough to last me for three months. I don't know. I can't decide. I want it both. Why must i face this kind of situation. It sucks manzz. Totally.
Thankyou Agnes Stef Lisa Frerry Kelvin for the present(s) haha.
I had hard time carrying it but thanks Stef helped me. Heheh
I read the messages you guys wrote haha. Its rly sweet you know.
It means more than anything else. Like, more than the pig, more than the dispenser.
I rly rly rly love it (L) thanks a million!

Suddenly i dont feel like blogging anymore. i feel like puking.
AH goodbye you retarded

yesyes byebye east foo suan hehe

north south east west

Hehe agnes and i are like deciding which word to use when i got a boyfriend. Should i call him baby, darling, honey, love, or sweety pie. Haha the last one sounds yucky haha. But i think its best to call him by his real name. or nickname like pepper or sth. Hehe.

Eh you know East Foo Suan is the yuckiest tutor in the whole entire globe. Ew he was waiting at the backgate and i was like asking myself, will he be hot or disgusting? And when i secretly took a look at him, i went like, " oh gosh this is nightmare" i called dione and laughed. he looked fantastically retarded and dirty and oily and pimply and cocky and nerdy and deformed and idk what la. Wth his looks isn't the most impt. WOAH i tell you his attitude. can't stand him lorrrr.

then the stupid dione came late so i kept going in to my room pretending to take sth, but actually i was chatting online with people and prayed that when i got back there, he will transformed into some heavenly good-looking East Foo Suan. or maybe change direction to north/south/west maybe he will look better. Hahaha

then after tuition i couldn't stop complaining to backside that he was so retarded and all. i displayed his picture and he went like,"eee" then he say," okay thanks a lot. you don't need to come next week" i was rolling on the floor lah! even he was turned off. haha

Heh, good luck for your oral and your chinese result.
This goes to every Sec 4 in Singapore. Kaybye love you

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hula :D

I'm here to thank all of you for the wishes. Phone calls, texts, msn, friendster, face to face, hugs and everything. I really appreciate them. and i love you guys who remembered my bday either reminded by friendster or your brain. Haha rly thanks alot. My birthday couldn't be any better. This is so far, my best birthday. 15th. I'm 15 now yay! But still cannot make Indo IC. have to wait til 17. siann haha.

when you walked away i count the steps that you take.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

and when your eyes met mine

I watched Money No Enough 2 and i cried like, really sobbing. Haha everybody looked at me. I am so emotional these days. I cried while eating Stef's ice cream, i cried while receiving Ray's present, i cried when Mom texted me, i cried when i read Novi's card, and many more.

Heh i don't feel like blogging.

Thankyou a gazabillion

Hello i was supposed to complete my chinese blog but who cares la. hehe so here's the piccas for ytd and there are more just that i'm too lazy to wait for it to upload. heheh

tiup lilinnya
potong kuenya
serta mulia
piece of cake

dasar monyet2 narsis
The people who rocked 9th august!
I wish that...
I hope my wish come true
happy birthday

Hi friends
candies arwin fendy Thanks for the cake!
Heh hah i'm going to cut the cake

I love Stef truckloads!
I love Noviana too! thanks darlinggg
this is friend-shit hahaha
Hello sutrisno you know i love you
say it again for me

Fendy, Frerry, Candies, Monica, Agnes (and Doraemon)
Ima hugging mon'z pillow
Between this or that

Teh Girlss (wheres Steffff?)
Teh Boyss
Hello please smile :D

Saturday, August 9, 2008

32 steps that you took

Hello rocker haha today's like superbmamamiazzz!

First, thankyou Mel and dione for the surprise and flower! (L) you guys.
And the help and all haha thankyou!!

Went tpy to meet Noviana and Frerry. Noviana gave me this really sweet card and i was so touched while reading it! And it was handmade. Then we ate @ KFC and went to Heeren. Walk here walk there walk walk everywhere! Went HMV and took photos, got warning(s) and haha.

Soon after, Fendy came. Then Monica and backside came. Okay backside is Arwin. Haha he'll ignore me if i still call him backside. Yeah and they bought a cake for me.! So nice la.

We had dinner in Spaggedies. laughed like so much and i almost choked. Monica and Frerry were like so cheeky luh. And we talked, snapped piccas, and laughed. I really love it and all yeah. After that, someone brought the cake and they sang happy birthday song and after that i made a wish and after that i blew the candle. I cut the cake and distributed it to everyone. (Don't ask me who got the first cake haha.) Anyway, i really thank Arwin and Monica for the cake haha. That's why they were late haha.

We ate the cake and snapped piccas again. Walked to Heeren then to Cine for Neoprint! And it was so squuezyyy haha i was sort of breath lol. I looked rly unglam on some haha. Edited and we went Taka. Pee-d and walked Novi over to bus stop as she wasn't well. Arwin had to go and he ran to mrt station. Then we went to Monica's house and apparently her room light had problem so we talked under desk light but it was cool

Cabbed home with Stef and i am here now.

Thankyou guys for the day, really, i appreciated it really much! I love you guys truckloads (:
My day couldn't be better without you guys and it was awesome. Its like, the best day of my life luh. All the fun, all the jokes, all the laughters, ahh. Its undescribable.
Agnes Arwin Fendy Frerry Monica Noviana Stefanie. Thankyou a million :]

the other 9th august people

I'm over the sun

I'm like, the happiest person in this whole entire universe. I can't wait to update you on what happened!

So it was midnight and it was silent. I was webcam-ing with sutrisno. I was visiting a blog and was reading the post so seriously and sutrisno just suddenly screamed, "Happy Birthday!" Omg i got a shocked of my life! So yeah. I think the first one was Andrew, then i think Noviana and Agnes, then Stef. Omg thankyou guys! I really love you. and others came in soon. I was soon loaded with texts and chats. I really love my friends.

Stef said, " Eh ndies, can you do me a fovour? I left something in your freezer and forgot to take it. Its hot drinks or sth. can you help me see its condition?" Oh yeah of course i dumb-ly went to the freezer and checked. I saw this paper with my name written largely and i realised it was an ice-cream. Omg i laughed and teared. No wonder she kept wanting to come to my house and the first thing she reached, was to go to the kitchen. Wth. But thanks luh Steffie you really cute.

Okay so proceed, the night hadn't end. I replied all those texts and chats and wishes, i heard people knocking the door rly loudly. I couldn't see anyone so i didn't open. But i heard it again and decided to open. I saw like, a tiny cute blue box lying on the floor. It has my name written on it. i was so surprised. and guess who sent it? Ray sent it all the way from Australia, and if i'm not wrong its Melb. He fedex-ed it. Sucha sweet friend. I couldn't stop thanking him. Its the sweetest thing on earth,really. and sucha sweet friend.

And this morning i woke up, i saw mom's sms. the first sentence was" Happy Birthday my girl" i cried hard when i read that cz i miss her so terribly. and my cute brother wished me again and he's really cute. I miss all of them. badly.

My cousin just called me and wished me happy birthday. "and know i can't bully you alrd cz you're older" thankyou life-time cousieeee. Love you la!

and i love everybody. My happy family. My sweet friends. and all.
But, Dad, where are you?

Friday, August 8, 2008

Really thanks a million guys for the day. I love you guys (K)
It couldn't have been better. :)

Performance was quite okayy. and i suddenly squeezed Mel's hand so tightly idk for what haha. and aft that, went out with mandy mel dione hueimin james hocksiong lay and wenbin. ate subway and aft that lay and wb went off, we went to orchard for kbox. it was fun but i slept a little. and mantou lost her ezlink card.

then after that we went ard, and we saw the guy at daughtry concert who we snapped. ahaha we were laughing and i think he knew it. then so many funny thing happened and i love today. after that we went searching for sth. james and hs disappeared, but when we met them near the fountain, hocksiong called me and i saw him holding a cake with a candle on it.
I was so shocked, and.. touched. i couldn't say anything. just kept"omg-ing"
i made an obvious wish haha and blew the candle and i ate it.

Rly thanks huh James Chew and Lee Hock Siong. Thankyou :)

went to paragon to reserve for tmr's dinner. okay i'm settled now. and they are settled. everyone is settled. yeap, good. sosososo tmr, will be :
Me, agnes, stef, noviana, monica, frerry, backside and fendy. :)
i think i'm gonna love tmr yay yay. haha and where are you.

PS: no pics was taken since i forget to charge my camera ytd.

Thankyou loves

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I may be going with the HLC people yay/ hahaha omg it's been long.
Can't wait for it and i hope that the plan isn't ruined.
It was so-called ruined last year. yay yay yay
Friday with 2e3s
Saturday with Indos
Sunday with HLCs.

How wonderful! I'm gna love this week. (and maybe monday out with love hehe)you know who
I've spent the last one hour searching the net for suitable restaurants.
But its either too far or too ex. I feel like dying.
At first we settled somewhere, but somehow, wth.

Yeah and a few haven't give me confirmation so i can't rly say how many are going.
And esp someone, who isn't coming online. Mygod i'm so angry.
People need confirmation. Its not good leaving your answer unsaid.

Its in two days and i'm not sure where to go yet.
Okay i settled the place now.
Its between this or that.
Gosh, is this called settled?
I've made the wrong decision.
Yeah i guess so. This is fatal. Ohemji.

I need strawberry Meiji Milk(!!)
heh and you are weird today
heh and agnes is everso noisy

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


and i forget to mention sth yesterday.
Thankyou a million trillion gazabillion to CHLOE TAN WEI YI for the support.
its rly encouraging, but i was just, half-dead. haha. arigato! :D love you

today i did the stupidest thing on earth but i encountered the incident that i've been dreaminf of so yeah. HAHA yay!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


FUNNY. haha


OMG ahahahhaah

My stomach is full of air. And its so irritating i have to smell my fart every 2 minutes. Wthhh. Chinese test tmr and i can't seem to find my book.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hello i wanted to change my blog url to but i realised that someone used it. -,- and he's not coming online so i guess tomorrow luh. if he does, tomorrow.

I suddenly forget what i wanted to say. I'm drawing the papers haha i'm so bored i know i'm supposed to study chinese but i can't be bothered la. what if mom finds out?! oh i miss mom.

Wth i fartttt again. and oh, burped..
Pictures of Singfest!!!!

Jason Mraz
Too cute to be true
I write Sins not Tragedies
Yay! Disco
Ohohoh he was high

Scotty Motty Cutey
Ohohohoh seee Jamie Scott so hot. Not like beatty one
:) so hot
This is Panic!At the disco

Oh at first i thought she was Alicia Keys
Stage 1(one)
That was what i can't even see the pics. nvm, see the audience

I think this one is Jamie Scott

Today was so shocking. Yeah Mandy knows why. Haha and i'm still quite undecided. Ohgod plin-plan bgt sih gw!

Mr.Ng was boring today i fell asleep. and Ms.Leow actually thought i'm Korean. c'mon i don't even look like one. I realised we have Chinese test on Wed and i'm not prepared haha. Ain't i always like that?
thenthenthen idk what else byebye.
PS: cant wait for saturdayyyy