Saturday, August 9, 2008

I'm over the sun

I'm like, the happiest person in this whole entire universe. I can't wait to update you on what happened!

So it was midnight and it was silent. I was webcam-ing with sutrisno. I was visiting a blog and was reading the post so seriously and sutrisno just suddenly screamed, "Happy Birthday!" Omg i got a shocked of my life! So yeah. I think the first one was Andrew, then i think Noviana and Agnes, then Stef. Omg thankyou guys! I really love you. and others came in soon. I was soon loaded with texts and chats. I really love my friends.

Stef said, " Eh ndies, can you do me a fovour? I left something in your freezer and forgot to take it. Its hot drinks or sth. can you help me see its condition?" Oh yeah of course i dumb-ly went to the freezer and checked. I saw this paper with my name written largely and i realised it was an ice-cream. Omg i laughed and teared. No wonder she kept wanting to come to my house and the first thing she reached, was to go to the kitchen. Wth. But thanks luh Steffie you really cute.

Okay so proceed, the night hadn't end. I replied all those texts and chats and wishes, i heard people knocking the door rly loudly. I couldn't see anyone so i didn't open. But i heard it again and decided to open. I saw like, a tiny cute blue box lying on the floor. It has my name written on it. i was so surprised. and guess who sent it? Ray sent it all the way from Australia, and if i'm not wrong its Melb. He fedex-ed it. Sucha sweet friend. I couldn't stop thanking him. Its the sweetest thing on earth,really. and sucha sweet friend.

And this morning i woke up, i saw mom's sms. the first sentence was" Happy Birthday my girl" i cried hard when i read that cz i miss her so terribly. and my cute brother wished me again and he's really cute. I miss all of them. badly.

My cousin just called me and wished me happy birthday. "and know i can't bully you alrd cz you're older" thankyou life-time cousieeee. Love you la!

and i love everybody. My happy family. My sweet friends. and all.
But, Dad, where are you?

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