Thursday, August 28, 2008

This house believes that i am a solitude HAHA

Hehe guess what i'm hiding in the toilet haha cos apparently my monstrous guardian came after centuries and and haha she's here in the house i am so scared i don't want to talk to her so i'm sitting hehe and typing. My laptop can last for err.. 2hrs&41min. i hope she's gone by then. oh shit got sound wait i mute them first. hokay muted alrd.

Walao she is still outside. haiyoo why so long. here so hot so dark cz just now i forget to on the light i faster came in ahhhhh! walao my life so sad i have to hide from her lol. &&& i was supposed to meet Nadya @ Orchard but i couldn't make it cz got one big monster outside how to sneak out!?!?! sianzzz.

Ah, why am i blogging about her haiya whatever la. Guess what, i just farted REALLY loud and i think she heard. and i think she's outside the toilet now. i have to type really silently. thankgid there's a dog barking like mad downstairs so my typing sound is kinda covered. BUT the dog isn't barking anymore! eh dog, please bark louder!!

Haiya okay lah i talk abt today. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I forget everything. I just now that today's weather is really nice and cooling. oh so much loved. if only singapore has this kind of weather every day. then just now during recess was superrr cold and i was like telling mandy, "If only pepper were here to hug me then i very happy!" haha okay it sounds wrong. nvm you dont get it.

ah i just deleted thatparagraph i typed cz its all about pepper and his cuteness. Ag, i'm getting mad. And i miss JoonKiat and Dexian. Haiyoooo. okay so then aft went tpy with QuekQuek haha then very funny we kept thinking 'if you were pepper' 'if you were him' 'if i eat with him' 'if i eat this way in front of him' and many more if-s HAHA

okay so i'm still in the toilet now and its getting untolerable. siao so hot i feel like dying. Tmr's teacher's day celebration. I still rmb last year mandy and someone, and then the sms i sent that caused sth to happen. It was exactly a year ago! Mandy you still rmb?!?!

Yahyah so with this, i end my speech. eh err i mean my post.

PS: pepper ni zai na li

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