Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mommy called earlyyyyyyyy in the morning and woke me up. She isn't usually like that. Apparently, the card bill came and some stupid person go and fax it to her and she found out that i spent too much. Yeah the July one. I feel like slapping whoever that sent her the bill. Why so kaypoh?! Wthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

And obviously i'm kinda grounded now. Its like there are three big bulldog in front of my door and everytime i come out, they will bite me. (mom, i know you know my blog and you'll read this) but maybe you don't understand. and andrew, please don't translate. I BEG YOU. Stop translating! I can't go for singfest but didn't allow she said she asked me to sell it to someone else. HOW CAN THAT EVER BE POSSIBLE?

So i said, "FINE" and hung up. Now i think i have to sneak out and ask co-operation of my roommate. I will lock my room and i know that my guardian doesn't have the key. -,- i'm sinning.

And my tutor is kinda late today. not kinda. but very. erghhhhhhh she doesn't know i have this mission impossible coming. Everybody pray for me!

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