Sunday, January 18, 2009

Because alpha plus beta will give you 'haha'

Yo peopleeeeee!
You know sth, i talked to Novi ytd till about 3.53 am and i was so sleepy just now, i was sleeping when my tutor was busy spilling knowledges. Haha who cares man its chinese anyway.

Chinese, i'm sorry if i condemned you, but you're too hard for me. Why you got so many relatives, then some relatives are twins, some have same character. Wahwah then if your relatives mix together become verrrrry complicated. So sorry chinese, its just simply because your family is too large. Not like english or Indo, only 26 in the family. Haizz. Such a longgg family history.

Yes, after tuition i went to Noviana's intended to study but we ended up having photo taking sessions and haha we did study, no i did. But only for maybe 15 minutes then we stopped and talked about anything else which are way more interesting than Amaths. Omg sorry i'm condemning Amaths because again, Amaths has too many friends, and why do i hv to know its friend's cousins and daughters and sons and nieces omg.

Yes haha we had a g8 time laughing, rolling, screaming and stuffs. Andandand tuition was like, cancelled so we went to eat at KFC (again) omg i'm so sick of KFC i tell you. Then went to Shaw Plaza and blablabla.

Then what else. Oh yes i forget to say. You know ytd, when Egg, Stef, Frerry and I were taking retarded pics, we saw so many stars. it was so beautiful and the moment to die for mygod if only i were with my bf. my god i tell you they looked so unexplanable and only by looking @ the stars could calm me down. the feeling was miraculous. they were so pretty okay idk just so, well-put. Wah if only i get to hold them. if only i got stars all around my room, (not pinks) woah.

I didn't know, looking at the stars can be so impactful. And heehee heehee i'm selling off this secret huh. Egg and Frerry were pointing at the stars together heehee. me and stef agreed they looked cute together heehee. that moment was snapped!! haaha

okayyyyy thankyou nov i had g8 time with you today. yes such a blessed weekend.

they were what we bought
i was choosing between teddy or marshmallow
idk what la
for the sake of insanity
that was hard, hahaa
Heehee so cute righttt
lurb euuuu
love this pic

this was because i forgot to set the self-timer

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