Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm stronger than this.

Hello people Hahahahahaha

Open house tmr and i'm Excited. Haha all choir members must come horhorhor.
After school mandy mel and me stayed back to help out for tmr's booth and it was so fun!!!!! haha yeah while dione did her reassessment and i'm proud of her cz she could do it!! of cuz w/ supporting factors eh. *eyebrow* winkwink.

Okay so me and mel went around the school pasting choir posters and its bery fun esp the-guys-are-hot-and-please-be-a-man-do-the-right-thing part.

Then after that went to erm yes Ikea to eat and finally my meatballs craving is cured. haha yes had so much fun today with her haha we kept laughing doing so many retarded stuffs and bought few things. after that crossed over to anchor point and sat down took pictures with firefly haha so cute all the pics are with her.

then went home cz too tired fell asleep and i missed my bus stop so walked back. the funny part was when i walked home, i was able to come online so i talked to win and he was like, "Where are you?'' and i said,"on my way home". And obviously he went like, "HA?" okay that was funny.

Anw, i finally can use my laptop and it feels like heaven. omygod finaley after sooooo long. && Egg! I'm wearing the shirt you gave me! Haha :) blinkblink.

I think i'm quite retarded and oh yes i forget to tell you, i have autism. Wth idk how to spell. Just autism. Like, retard, yes.

I'm off. Study what else. Haha.

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