Wednesday, January 21, 2009

nothing's forever

I know i just posted few minutes ago but i'm veryyyy bored cz pepper's ignoring me :(
I just came across Win's blog and i saw what was written.
Honestly, i really feel that way too, sometimes. The loneliness.
And i can't help but cry. Worse, i have to cry silently without anyone noticing.

It took me quite a while to understand, what the hell are all this for, and why do they have to always get into my way. Its sickening and ridiculous.

You can say that, people have to be strong, that every problem always has its solution. But do you ever think of how it feels, when you've grown so tired of searching for that solution, you gave up trying? That you've think of all the possible reasons, but yet you're still clueless. People is human. Human is people. Whichever. We're not a robot that can maintain our strong-emotion and hard-feelings every single time. There ought to be times when we're down, when things seemed to be a mess, and the next turn became overly vague.
You can't help it. Even sometimes, expertist can give up.

People are like that. You're annoyed but you miss it. You're pissed but you want more. You're sick of it, but you yearn for it. Haha, i don't understand why either. The grass is always greener on the other side. When you have it, you barely even appreciate, but when it's absent, you seek for it. Funny, eh? But that's human. That's you. That's me. That's us.

Sometimes i find myself complaining too much, criticising almost everything, and expect everything to be the way i want it to be, but then i realise, this globe we're living in doesn't recognise the word, 'perfect'. So nothing's perfect. Nothing's eternal, forever.

But when i learn to loosen up, i realise, things have already turned the other way round. Like, it gets too far, i can't catch up anymore. And back to cycle one, i complain again, realise again, and try again, and again and again and again.

That's why i say i don't believe in the word 'forever'

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