Thursday, January 1, 2009

New year, New brand.

This is going to be a super long post. I'm gonna make it quick cz i have to send Mom to airport soon :( omgz i'm so sad anyone reaching today maybe i can pick you up haha yes pepper. Damnit why pepper. First sentence also pepper alrd. Okay it feels good typing with short nails cz i just cut my nails ytd haha. Mel looked so shocked when she saw my nails. okay

Omg i forget.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 200920092009.
Yay. Haha Goodbye bitter 2008.

Okay fine maybe 2008 wasn't so bitter afterall, with all the crazy supporting and super understanding people. (Sorry i can't blog freely cz Mom is here)

Since its 2009, i promised myself when i was on my bed, I'm going to open new page, leave everything behind, including pepper. God gave me this chance to live in this new year, he's giving me chance (again) to be a better person, to live life to the fullest, and leave that bitterly sweet and hard-to-forget memories behind.

Pepper is going to be in my 2008 archives and never in the 2009's. I hope i can make it. And this new year, i hope i can find my eternal happiness. I'm fine now. What they say were all true. It's all a waste of time. I'm going to be happy yay. Thankyou 2008, you made me, erm learn.

I'm going to thank everyone here so bear with me its gonna be long. (I warned you).

First of all, my family. Oh my wannderrfulll family. Mom, thanks for the love and care and sacrifices and everything. I love you alot okay. Dad, you too. Thanks for being such a wonderful and irreplacable Dad. I have the greatest parents on earth. And my cute brothers. Thank you for filling my days when i was in indo. I won't trade anything for this wonderful family.

Mantou :D Thanks for being such a great great great friend okay. I can't stress how much i love you, of course as a friend. Haha. You're such a good listening ear and a good poet. And what you'd done for me is just, marvellous. You're a friend anyone would die for okay. And don't care what people do to you. You are a mantou. Nobody can defeat a mantou okay :D

Mela Tan! Aiyo my melissa. You're another one. I'm thankful to have a friend like you. Because you're like one in a million those kind you know. Thanks for all the advices and all the lame jokes. All the time we'd shared. And all the secrets i've told you. You know me so well that you can tell if i'm sad or what. Although sometimes i'll have bad mood, you will always cheer me up and, you know i love you darling.

QUEKKKKKK! Pepper consultant. Oh my, my pepper consultant. We got close beginning of this year, because of chilli hunting. Haha i'm so glad to have you as my consultant. You always have opinions for all my problems and you know almost all my problems and secrets huh. Okay fine since they all revolve around pepper. Love you for all your jokes and your sushi-freak moments. Let's go crazy eating sushi again okay. I thank you for the time we've spend. Its unforgettable and thank you for being my fabulous friend. Love you quek. Too much to be true.

FISHBALL!! Helllo fishball you girl. Haha Mrs B. Omg i wont be so crazy without you okay. You're always brightening my life and made me laugh when i'm crying. Okay i can't recall those situation where you made me laugh and cry but there was once. Haha anw, thank you seah. You can be funny when you are, but serious at the same time. Although you're not lovey dovey and laugh at i-will-die-in-your-arms kind of thing, its good though. So you'll never get hurt. Thank you tuition mate ha ha let's shave Robert's hair bald. Okay love you many many fishballs. And i love shopping with you. Although my legs hurt badly haha.

Sutrisssssnoooooooo!! Makasih yah semuanya nes. Selama ini lu uda jadi pendengar gw. Keluhan gw. Protes gw yg hampir semua ttg dia. Makasih bgt lu uda sabar jadi temen & lu udah maklumin gw yg aneh. Heehe. Semua kegilaan nya. Lu tidur di tpt tidur gw, trus kita rebutan guling sampe gw jatoh. Haha lari lari ke genteng di skolah waktu itu. Trus Prata House. Garuk-garuk kepala, trus yumyum babybaby heehee. Terlalu byk utk dikenang nes. Lu bkl pergi tahun depan. Gw ngk tau mau bilang apa. Yg jelas, kita harus spend time yg byk yah. Dan rajin2 deh ke choir okay.

Pentolanzzzzzz! Haha bukan. Maksud nya Mrs Pentolanzz. Thanks Stef for everything. Our night trip to 711, duduk di dpn lobby ngobrol. Your special laughter, that will make me laugh. I'm so glad to have a friend like you. Stef, please stop being plin plan and just go with the flow okay. Thank you for the enjoyable moments with you, wkt lu nginap tempat gw, trus banana boat. Eggy and Boubsy. Haha until we fall off the chair and roll on the floor. Gym time. Going home with you and the late dinner at subway. Love you Stef. Thanks for the companion and pentolanz story. Love you a mil.

Brendaaaaa! Haha Tian Cai! Omg you ah! Act cute. Wah so many thing about you hoh. Emo-kid, pink-hater, and always bully me. I'm your boss okay. Cannot bully. And please la, stop being naughty and stop seducing me okay. Haha wth that sounded wrongg. But anw, thankyou brenda for all the support and you know how yucky my chinese is, but you keep tian cai-ing me until i have the motivation to barely look at the paper. And all the things about pepper. I always laugh, rolling on the floor when i talk to you. Rmb first day of school you said i was adorable. I bet you'll vomit blood if you rmb that. Haha okay love you too tian cai!.

FFV. Funny this man likes older woman. Haha although i hate saying this but yeah whatever lah. Thank you for being my friend. All the jokes smua. Ke Prata House. Trus bohongin gw kl roomate lu cuakep.(dasar) Haha kegilaan lu. Saran2 lu tentang dia. Heran gw, kok lu bisa sih suka sama tante2? Haha yg seowt2an. Lu kerjain gw sampe gw marah. Thanks yah udah jd tmn gw. (I cant say i love you to you okay but you know i love you as a friend)

Bennnnnn! I realise i haven't say your full name for a verrrrry long time. Anything la i'm so used to your shortcut name. Ben. Thanks Ben for everything. Thanks for the companion when i need one, and thanks for all your sucky advices. Haha love your retarded jokes and although they werent funny at all, just looking at your face can make me laugh, seriously. We haven't been contacting for so long, but since we continue to keep in touch, we got closer and i'm glad it happened. Like you said, God planned everything for us. And you're going away already. Hope you do well for your O. And thankyou for your care and everything. Thanks also for the memories, which one you know right. I love you too as a friend, and stop being a playboy.

Monica Johan! tangan gw udah pegel2 nih mencet2 ngk jelas. Thanks yah babe for everything tahun ini. You're such a friend. Thanks for all your help and everything. You know alot abt him also. And all the msn talks. Semua nya deh pokoknya. Continue later k monz. Continue. Yeah you are the heboh-est person i've ever met Monzz. and all the jijay bajaj bawang bombay thingy. Haha love you also Monz and your cute fringe. Thanks Monz for everything and no matter where you are, continue keeping in touch kay. Love you many many.

Noviana!!! Nananana Hahaha Choir President. You're a great friend juga Nov! Love you juga! Thank you juga buat advices lu yg (lagi2) tentang dia. Haha hampir seluruh dunia tau yah. Like, it's a public secret. Thanks for all the fun time with you. Although skrg lu di Indo trus kita ngk bisa ktm, I'm sure we'll always keep in touch. Love you alot okay.

Olivia Roseliniiii! Heehee Omgz oliv! Gym partner! Love you alotz juga! No matter what happen to you, know that i'll always be your suppporting pillar. Thanks for being one to me as well. We've known each other long enough to understand each other inside out. You're another friend to die for. Love you till i die lah! (K)

Arwin Suryasinnn. Thanks for being my friend too. You're so much help to me, esp my academic problems. You crapped alot. Did many retarded things and always act cute. I laughed so loud when you said you used to have your fringe touching you nose. Although idk what's wrong with you now, anw, thankyou. I hope we can still keep in touch.

Okay this is really long but anw, there are still many people i have to thank. Like Josh, Jess, Anita, Junia, Sherly and many more. Its gna be like essay writing if i write one by one. Ha ha okay just know that i love you guys k. LOVE love Love. Haha

Btw, Mom didn't go back today. She missed her plane. It was actually a morning flight but she mistook it as the night flight. Its good though, i can spend another night with her. :)

Okay till here, pictures will be up maybe tmr.

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