Saturday, February 28, 2009

Annoyance isn't a bliss

I'm getting sick of this. Asking around people and they give me 'maybe', 'don't know yet', 'see later' answers. I can't get things done w/o knowing how many people can actually make it. I'm trying to gather everyone together, so we don't look like a moron to each other. The least you guys can do, is to give me a firm respond. I hate dangling answers. (which of course i can't say i hate it right).

I just don't like it. I mean, i don't see the 'unity' between us, like what people from other schools have. We're like a total stranger altogether, people stay among their own clique. If you think this isn't going to work and it's a waste of time in the first place, can you please tell me cause i don't want to waste my time doing on something that don't interest any bloody people at all. (sorry i'm harsh but i just don't know whether to slap you or to hug you). 

So, you guys tell me, whether you want this, or not. I'm not going to waste my time and energy and saliva to discuss this with others who care. Why do you think we want to do this? Urgh. I just hate those kind of mentality. It just shows how unsociable you are. We are making effort here trying to come out with something that some people might actually take it as 'a waste of time'. How to plan everything if we don't even know how many is going to show up? What if everybody says 'see later'? IT WILL BECOME A GHOST PARTY I TELL YOU. And i'm going to laugh at myself, for being so stupid, doing a to-no-avail thing. 

So, you tell me. Not because it's still two weeks to go, we shall wait until the day before to plan everything. Only a fool will do that. And really. You guys only need to contribute. Not taking it as a lame thing. I just don't get it. Please, and i hate unreplied messages.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Things in life gotta change for good

Look at yourself before you gozzip about others okay.
I'm telling you in a very nice way. Don't bring me far.
You can call me when you're done being a bitch


You can't be so selfish, can you?
Its like, you've totally changed, and i barely know you.
I want so much to tell you how much i dislike you now.
But who am i to do that? Afterall, we're only friends.

Meeting dione and glen later.

I just came back from ICA and it was freaking crowded there i fell asleep. Imagine. My queue number was 4326 and when i got in to the waiting hall, it was only 4278. Damn unglam but who cares la. You can't sleep there because if you miss your turn then you'll have to re-queue. uckily i wasn't alone hahaha.

School was okay today. This week has been a moody week for everyone. Well, i have mine too. And jamie just knows perfectly well how to worsen it. Ugh, sometimes she's too much. I don't know. That's what i think. People have every right to disagree. (but i bet dione will agree) 

So yeah, i get annoyed pretty easily nowadays. It's been tough, huh. Let's all hope for a better week this coming sunday :) 

After Chem Spa, Brenda and I ran up to IT resource room cz we had a mission to be the first to reach. And i was like laughing so hard as we ran. I think we just got the joy of being the first haha. Just like what me and dione did on wed. ran to the fried-food stall. 

(I smell something. Omg yes someone's online :) NOW?)
Its almost 1AM there! 

Then after school me and brenda(again) did this super hilarious video on 'bride wars' hahaha we were fighting over the white cloth which was supposed to be the 'gown' wth. Thx show for the video-taking. Hahaha and i'm super sleepy now.

I don't see myself as event organiser in the future. Its getting on my nerves.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Flush your brain

This is an old news, but i just remembered.
Our group got into the final for the Business Plan-Go Green.
Wth our beloved made-of-plastic-bottles curtains.
Nevermind. I decided to join, so i have to put my heart and soul and brain(WHICH APPARENTLY SOMEONE THOUGHT, HAVE BEEN ACCIDENTALLY FLUSHED INTO THE TOILET BOWL). seriously, i think YOURS is the one that has been accidentally flushed into the toilet bowl. Insane.

I still have brain, btw. You don't do that to people.
Its hilarious.

Today wasn't so sleepy haaahaa at least i didn't sleep. And i have to start studying for Amaths and Geog. Tests are cominggggg. Omgg. Go die la.

I just finished the english documentary(tiring), finished Chem ex 18(anyhow). Now, after i post this, i'm going to open the toilet door, walk inside, take my toothbrush, put toothpaste on it, bring it to my cute teeth, and start brushing them.

Then, you know the rest. Jump onto my bed and unlock the gate of 'Dreamland' HAHAHA okay enough. I'm getting nowhere.

PS: Do you miss me? Because the thing is, i miss you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I miss you

I love you.
Your laughter is like an antidote to my pain.

See you on december


YOOOOOOOOOO i'm in school com lab. sitting beside brenda ng.
Today is a super sleepy day! I've been sleeping for almost every lesson. Omg

Hahahahahahaha i miss B :P

just did this career thingy. woah i am suggested to be a CABIN CREW?? KINDERGARTEN PRINCIPALS?? WHAT THE HELL??!! the rest of the jobs are pretty much interesting. i've thought of those. HAHA pls don't tell ms syamsudin i just used 'those'. she hates that word

Haha brenda is the future art teacher.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tight up

give me some space to breathe.
Set me free.

Remind us all of what we used to be.

Hi. Today was out with Novi the Awesome (hehe).
I had sudden craving for Ayam Penyet so i dragged her along.
Dione came to show me 'something' then after that she went home to do amaths.
Novi and I ended up studying at KFC.
Then we went to Pizza Hut for dinner. 
She kept waving at a baby boy woah even took pictures of him. Siao.
Hueimin is damn gross. She's ready for motherhood.

We saw junyuan. he worked at pizza. Novi kept saying she also wants to work. -.-
"Dia jadi beda ya skrg" Haha she told me that about three times. 
Then go home and i'm here cz i have tuition.
Koko Vengky is HERE OMG

PS: Valerie Quek Huei Min is DAMN gross today. 
bring on the babies !! says (7:41 PM):
i am ready for mother hood

candies lets get pregnant says (7:44 PM):

Can you feel the insanity? She needs to go for mental check-up.

Cruel but this is the reality

Why does death seems so close to me nowadays? I keep receiving news that people are dying, mostly the ones i know. Oh my. I mean, i know this has been happening forever, but i never turn a hair because they're people that i don't know. I was never put onto the shoes' of their families, loved ones, or even neighbours.  Little did i know how it feels like. 

Mom called me ytd when i was on my way home, i asked her where she was, and she replied, "I just came back from Angsapura." I was like, WHAT? Another death? Ohgod. My brother's friend and his sister were found dead a few days ago. Their maid locked them in a room and i was not sure how the killing process went. Their parents were away to Hong Kong. I don't know how drove the evil maid to kill those innocent kids. Hey they are only around my brother's age. How can she be so cruel? Didn't she think of the consequences? At least, her OWN consequence that she'll get? 

Why? This world seems to get scarier and scarier. My heart goes out to their parents, and i hope that the insane maid will get the penalty she deserves. They are my brother's friend. Close friend, even. I can't imagine how shocked their parents were. Imagine, you leave your beloved children with someone you think you can trust, but you get WHAT in return? That someone you trust, end up killing your own children? So isn't this implying that their trust wasn't put into account? Why can't she consider the TRUST they gave her, when she was about to kill those kids? 

They are young kids. Their journey was supposed to be long. But why, it has to be ended but a cruel, insane maid? There are still many things that they haven't experience, many chances they still hadn't get. They used to be possible. Why she has to make it impossible now? 

One matter, and i can go on talking one whole long post. I just can't take her cruelty and heartlessness. These kind of people should go to hell. Or maybe the hell of hell. People who don't appreciate trust, and maybe, you can call those people, 'backstabber'.

I need to do a reality check. To see if i'm still living in the planet called 'Earth'
I'm surprised that you still remember my name.
I thought,
I thought you are my friend?
I didn't know that you're such a bitch.
I didn't know. It means, i already know.
You act so angelic in front of me like you're the nicest thing on earth.
But you're talking about me behind my back?
You fucking bitch. (it's been long since i swore)

I thought i could trust you, that you're my friend.
As in those that i can say as 'friend'. I always want you to be pleased and you know how much i've sacrificed my own interest to go with yours just for this worthless friendship? I often think that, i shouldn't do something that's against my interest, but i chosed to follow your fcking will instead of going for mine.

You told me your principle was to tell someone right to their face whenever you're displeased. Oh now you know how contradicting you sound right? I put in so much effort to please you.

Damn i'm crying for you this isn't worth even a drop of tears at all. WHY.
Ohmygod. Now i know which friend i can, or cannot count on.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I thought time heals all wounds?

Alangkah senang hatikuuuuuuu

Yo. Chem Spa was screwed la i'm so depressed. 
The school radio played pepper song the moment i stepped into beatty. this is annoying. I've heard this many times nowadays

after school went to meet melisa at orchard to pass me junia's 'gift' HAHA and had lunch then after that i went home and have tuition. Haha now i'm doing nothing. my room is like sunken titanic. messier than you can ever imagine. 

okay i'm quite sleepy now. i have tuition early in the morning.

and Jun, you've got a lot to tell me!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a little bit longer

I'm freezingggggggg. Omigod. Freeze like an eskimo.
I'm one of the eskimos from North Pole.

I forget something.
hueimin: tmr is guides day. should i tie a bun or tie 2 ponytails?
candies: chop off you hair

i wanna sleep yes yes yes tmr's friday i love it muackz muackz.

I love you i love you i love you :)
need i say more?

Love you like no other :)

I'm talking to two melissa-s so its kinda confusing. Huehee.
I just bathed woah so nice.
I'm studying Chem after this i promiseeeeeeee.
I was one of the soldiers who fought in the Operation Barbarossa. Haha

Okay. I have warped sense of humour.
Candies stop this.

Thousand miles is pretty far but they've got planes and trains and cars
and i'd walk to you if i had no other way.




Chinese test just now. A confirm failure. Whatever la. Then stayed back with 'people with warped sense of humour' in the canteen and we practised our 'warped sense of humour'. Haha well.

Then i went to Tpy to meet Novi for dinner and rushed back for tuition and here i am now. I'm revising chem later after i bathe. Haha.

Annoying people should just go and die.


(i'm in love with that song idk why)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Agnes(!!), Stef, Lisa, Jesslyn, Candies, Kelvin, Bobby, Kevin

I think this is the best group photo. At least Bobby didn't act cute here.

Superb candid
Love you guyzzz
Suami-Suami Takut Istri

Papi3 Mami and Kiddies

Papi2& Mami & Kiddies
Just look at Bobby please

I was trying to act like a beggar but too cute lah
Kevin Agnes
The Beast and The Beauty

Cutting in process
Jesslyn Agnes
Lisa Agnes
Agnes Kelvin

This looks like Mr.Boo giving out a prize.

Agnes was acting cute with her cake and i took a solo picture of the cake it looks nice but idk why become so scary

Bobby Agnes

StefAgnes Lisa Agnes
Happy Bday Agnes :)

This was before Agnes came so we took this picture. Haha i swore i was damn scared everything won't turn out well. But yay they did a great job la. Backstage people!!