Sunday, February 8, 2009

Come to the climax

I think she's really pissed at me. whateverz manz i dontz carez.
You know something, my eyes are closed now. So pardon the misspellinhs.
(opened my eyes) I'm really tired, I mean physically and mentally tired.
I have to force myself to study until past midnight to catch up with eight subjects. I enjoy very little sleep nowadays i feel like puking. Everything has its limit. I can't stay on like this forever. I feel like giving up. 

I have to squeeze everything into my poor brain. Chapters after chapters, subject after subject. Ohmy. I know i shouldn't be complaining now since this is expected but hey come on, i need a life. Imagine, tests everyday, without fail. Plus the demanding CCA, and piles of homework, and LSPs. Might as well make us stay back until 9pm. All the teachers thought that we only take their subject. I know they do these to push us so we can get good grades, but don't you think its too much? Oh if you don't then congrats, you're a straight A student. I tried to manage my time carefully but urgh, i can't okay. 

And when my grades are comparable to shit, mom will start scolding and nagging and saying why am i so lazy, everytime never study and everything. My guardian will support her saying that yesyes candies never study she's always playing. HAHA whatever go and say whatever you want i don't give a damn anymore. Be proud of other people okay i have nothing for you to be proud of. You can condemn me as much as you want i.don' I've had enough of everything. 

Just, try. Try to be understanding. I have my limit too.

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