Sunday, February 1, 2009


Check out the unglam ones at haha. Okay so ytd went to Funan w/ Novi and Frerry to buy laptop. Then aft that went to Mac and we saw Monica and her friends. Haha okay why are all photos of me?

I'm down with fever. I feel horrendous. My head is freaking pain and my eye lids feel like carrying elephant(s). I want to die and my nose just bleed again. What happen man. Despite of the litres of water it is still bleeding? Its bleeding and blocked at the same time. So i think its all blood in the and you know how sad, i can't blow my nose, but if i don't i can't breath. Ohmygod.

I have to breath through my mouth and my lung somehow rejects everything i'm sort of breath so my head is freaking unbearable. and plus this stupid smell i can't even breathe zomg.

But i have yet to complete my homeworks and everything. I sound worse than horse. God. Its aching everywhere. I need to get some sleep. But i can't sleep cz my hair is still bloody wet.

Great. I just coughed and ohmyf. I don't want to die so soon eh

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