Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Greedy pig

Adolf Candies  ; heartachekills.blogspot.com says (7:04 PM):
today's the chicken seaweed damn nice
Fly high says (7:04 PM):
good. eat more
Adolf Candies  ; heartachekills.blogspot.com says (7:04 PM):
Fly high says (7:04 PM):
haha outside 1 small chicken seaweed 40 cent
Fly high says (7:04 PM):
at home u can eat all u want
Fly high says (7:04 PM):
if i were u, i will eat all
Adolf Candies  ; heartachekills.blogspot.com says (7:05 PM):
i'm not like you. greedy.
Fly high says (7:05 PM):
anything u want say. haha
Adolf Candies  ; heartachekills.blogspot.com says (7:07 PM):
i have emaths and SS test tmr :(
Fly high says (7:07 PM):
chicken feet la.
Adolf Candies  ; heartachekills.blogspot.com says (7:08 PM):
you say that cz you're smart!

Okayy, this is how greedy Ben can get :O haha anw, he didn't do much help to me, i thought he could like, relieve my stress a bit. But look, he thought that was chicken feet. Angry man. 
You made the right choice :D

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