Sunday, February 1, 2009

i hate this part right here

Yo people i've got tonnes of work to do today i bet 24 hours isn't enough and i have yet to bathe. dirty woman. so i was talking on the phone with quek ytd for 4hrs++ haha and i can't receive and phonecalls now cz my card balance is 0.00 hahahahaha. All your fault la hm! (: but i still luv u.

I'm doing chinese compo right now i feel so cheena haha and i realised i haven't post any cny pictures here. AYSAP okay. hahaha i don't even know where's my camera. 

Later on the day, i'm going to study yeayeayea and complete my tuition homeworks and everything i'm gonna make today a productive one. I'm serious. freakzxzxzxzzxz two more weeks to Val's day. i wna be with my bf hahaha okay. apparently nawt here. kwbjbvskjvbskdbgskjbkauauefafja why suddenly so nervous heehee. Wth i'm so crappy why am i always crappy.

Siansian siansian why my compo seems to be endless. ENDLESS LOVE. HAHA OMG SHUT UP CANDIES. i change my name from today onwards. become alice. hahaha okay stop it shut up bi zuei. okay byebyebyebye i might post again later! #701

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