Monday, August 31, 2009

Speak these words

I have this retarded personal expository homework due this friday and i don't have any faintest idea how to construct a proper paragraph for a personal expository because the last time i wrote personal expository was during the cannibal period. Haha okaaay but i really don't know how to. I'm stuck. Oh well, what are the challenges you face in life? There are many i can think of easily but i don't know how and have i overcome it. Suck.

Annnnnnd not only that, i have to write a personal recount yawyaw. Okay this might sound easier but no. Apparently she says i have been writing personal recount in a very narrative style so she wants me to write it appropriately, which means, less flowery and less dramatic. Well it seems easier but i have to pay constant attention as to not go too...narrative. Thanks.

And i have the whole vocab book to stuff into my tiny petite brain hahaha. Sad thing, my brain is the only thing that i can describe as petite. Oh probably my toes. Hahaha my cute little petite toes. Okay where am i going to. Back to 'life is full of challenges and yes i love this life much'

One hour later....

I'M DONE!!!!!!

okay not personal recount. ew i feel so personalised.

i always hear you say

Oh, well, wow. I'm...surprised. yesido.


No use having someone who don't cherish you, right?

Right. :)

When then?

I bet all the pure geographers spent their sunday studying geography insight from page 122-168 right. Well, i didn't. I spent mine making cards for my dearest teachers with my dearest stefanie kurnia jaya and i really think its all worth it. I mean, i know i still have tmr's concert to glance through it and i think i'll do okay because i've studied it before.

hope the teachers like our card! Because if i were them i'll love it. And btw, Alex went back this morning, even before i was awake i think, and i'm quite dejected. I didn't say a proper goodbye to him cause yes, i was quite pissed with him ytd night so...i don't know. Perhaps there'll be another meeting, yes?

Bytheway, tmr's teacher's day, and i'm supposed to be excited, but i'm not really. I'm quite sad la cz our class didn't make it to the concert but don't you think we deserve a slot because all we wanted is to thank the teachers, something that they totally deserve? I don't know. I hope those people in charge made a good decision and maybe tmr's performers will be able to convey the message better i guess.

and thankfully mon and nov are coming back so i think that'll make my day, but arwin's not. :( i'm quite sad la bcz mon and nov, i can see them anytime and they live close to me, we can always go to shaw mac and talked like nobody's business. but this busy friend of mine, we don't see each other often and its been long since i last saw him. he's always so busy and buried with homeworks. i don't know...probably well, not tomorrow :)

Ps. Because i'm afraid, so afraid that i can't see you anymore.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Butterfly wings

Mom and I, we came to an agreement. I won't share what, but i'm pretty satisfied. Well, afterall, she knows me best and obviously she wants the bestest of the best for me. Therefore, i trust her fully. :)

And Olivia, i didn't know you had this thought until when you told me blatantly just now. I thought you're someone that only know how to have fun and yeah, maybe rant. But you just showed me how thoughtful you actually are. I'm sorry to have a wrong impression on you and as i always always tell you, i'll be there whenever you need me. Even though we may not be with each other forever and ever, but i really hope we stay friends forever, like what you said. And i believe we will :) Because you're one of the best friend i've ever made. And i love you just as much.

Ps. because you used to hold my world together.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Paper heart, acrylic love

I'm back! Went out with Olivia just now and had g8 time with her. Its been reaaaally long since we last went out and catch up with each other's life. Cool. Watched Coco Avant Chanel just now. Erm it was my first NC16 movie and tell you the truth, if this is what you call NC16, then i think i won't wanna watch NC16 anymore. Boring much, because it was almost two hours and i couldn't survive so yea but the last part was quite cool. I think UP was far better than this.

Anyway, walked ard Orchard with her and bought some stuff. Ate and we went home. I didn't study today sad sad de nehzz. Nehmind i'll study tonight and tomorrow promiseeee. :) Its okay i need a getaway. Love you liv!

Bytheway, i don't know what's with me and studs nowadays. I just loooooooove them so much. (Zara's so studdy now lurb lurb)

Friday, August 28, 2009

i wish i were 21

Because as much as i hate it, but its still happening. I'm having tuition in about 47 minutes' time and i feel like puking suddenly. I don't wannnt. I want to study my other subject and not waste my time there just listening to...okay fine i shall stop.

I'm sleepy plus lethargic. And i need something colddddd to drink. Okaaay i actually have nothing to blog about. I think Oliv's watching Orphan w Alex and William. IF ONLY i don't have tuition, i'd have flyyy there and meet them. Shucks. Its been long since we had our HUA reunion. Since Alex is here, i don't know. He'll be gone by Sunday so yeahh.

And you know what, i miss that venus man. Haha okay only I understand who venus man is. :):) DINNER Y.A.Y!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Its called destiny.

:) I studied finish Tourism today. I'm glad i started my revision in time and now i'm quite quite confident for prelim, that i'll probably do well. Okay maybe not so because I still need to practice and kill the laziness. I'll keep trying my best and yep, I'm so happy that finally i'm healthy.

Hello physics let's make friend now. I know you, but don't know you that well yet. By the end of this week we'll become BFF k! :D

At least i don't rush like Mid Year and i really hope i can do far better in prelim and prove my parents wrong. I want to let them know that i'm not here only to play, have fun and waste money. I want to let them know that i'm not growing lazy and taking things easy. I want them to know that my thought isn't that shallow anymore.

I promise myself I'll treat myself like a princess for ONE day if i do satisfyingly well. :)
I can do it! Because i believe. (:

Ps. chicken backside isn't coming back and i havent see him for quite some time alrd. ):

you're already the voice inside my head

My 1000th post! I guess my plan to make it about 'the end of O level' failed anyway hahaha you know i can't resist the blogging world rightz hahaha.

Erm i'm so sorry if you're irritated with my rants i keep complaining to you that i'm pissed blablabla i think its just PMS and i'll be ok soon haha i will be i won't get pissed anymore. :):) you know who you are and yes yes luv u girl.

Ps, and when we spend time together, it felt like the world was ours :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

To be happy,

People, i want to ask you something. What does happiness mean to you? What's your definition of happiness? Is it seeing somebody else's big smile? Or is it when you finally get what you want? Or when you know you've done the right thing? Well, everyone has different definition of happiness. A little girl can be happy when she's rewarded a barbie doll, a man can be happy when he gets promoted, parents can be happy when they see their kids settling down.

Think of it, isn't the world full of happiness then? For me, as long as i'm doing things that i enjoy, i'm happy. We live and learn. I want to learn how to be happy always, i want to be able to see things from the positive side. I want to be a better person. (:

As long as you believe, my dear.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well, I realised I can't totally leave cyber world. I still come online...secretly haha. Gawd I'm addicted already. And I gulped a can of nescafe just now but I'm sleepy alr. Gawd I think my body is immune to it already. What to do... its the only thing that can keep me awake.

Btw I'm outside @ the living room studying. Reason being if I study in my room, my bed will tempt me to sleep and there I go to the lalaland. And anw, my fasting today went well! :D. Although my stomach was aching like crazaye, but I still managed yo. I couldn't sleep so I studied. Am so proud.

I guess I'm just being PMS-y nowadays haha every girl has it so yea pardon me yeayea. And oh well, people change, don't they? its inevitable, even though I hate this fact so much. setbacks are meant to make you stronger and braver. And now I learnt how not to take promises too seriously, because when hopes are scattered its just gonna be another disappointment. Well, I mean someone's gonna spill the beans one day and people will know who I am talking about.

Snuggled up in my bed and all I could think of was you :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

if only we're not miles apart,

Heyyo I'm hungry. But I'm waiting, patiently waiting until dinner time because there's tuition today so I'm gonna bathe now and start studying for chem. There're ten chaps yow. And btw I'm using my phone its kinda cool it feels like I'm texting. Anw, I made the unbreakable vow that I won't come online unless its necessary like e-learning day. And that's why I'm using my phone because I'm in the toilet and I'm bored yo. Hahaha ok gtg now and baitheway, I'm fasting tmr w brenda heheheh.

Sorry that I took you for granted. I didn't know what a great friend you are until now that you've got some1 and you know...we kinda drift apart. Its not like you're technologically inclined. Its so hard to reach you. Doesn't mean there's a change in your status, it has to affect our friendship, right? I've got so many things to tell you.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

never believed that things happen for a reason

U know u just can't absorb anything anymore when you realise just a sound of people sighing or TV in the living rooms distract u so much you keep reading a particular paragraph repeatedly but nothing goes in. Then u know u're in deep trouble and that u're annoyed.

I think chipmunk is sick. I hope my immune system is strong enough. This is not a good time to fall sick. I've been studying since afternoon. I'm puking real soon. Especially when my brain isn't working well. Oh gosh i have so little time left!

If this is what you want, you know i can do nothing but to follow your will because this is what i grow up doing right. U always get me to do and decide whatever you want at the end of the day. I'm tired of arguing although i know i have a valid point. I'm staying in Singapore.
I'm studying relax. No more slacking around. And btw this is my 994th post. I want my 1000th post to be on the end of O level. So, you know what i mean right. Till then,

Jujur aku tak kuasa
Saat terakhir ku genggam tanganmu
Namun yang pasti terjadi
Kita mungkin tak bersama lagi
Bila nanti esok hari
Kutemukan dirimu bahagia
Ijinkan aku titipkan kisah cinta kita selamanya

exothermic ew

Okay, i suddenly don't know how to start my post. D:
So ytd, as expected, i woke up late and rushed like mad to Fort Canning Park for food bazaar. I'm really lazy to elaborate but then after that went to PS to buy Oliv's present. Went home, rushed for her card and everything, i think it was pretty! But then i couldn't finish because Nadya came and we were late alrd so yea. But i left halfway to meet Novi for dinner and came back, i saw Olivia alone like, cleaning up the mess whereas the rest sat on the grass patch and mingled. So i helped her and, yes i could tell she was disappointed with her day. I shouldn't have left her. I felt so bad. We cleaned up the place and i helped her bring her stuff back.

Then met stef and she gave me a pie! Then we talked and talked and talked our heart lungs brain liver kidney bladder pancreas intestine out until the thunder came and we went into my room. She slept on my double decker bed which she claimed was damn nice and i slept below. she left earlyyy in the morning and i woke up later to finish up oliv's card then went her house and then came back i study and not really study from just now not even a chapter haha then yes yes me is going to study yesyes.

No matter what happen, no matter how unhappy you are, no matter how everybody put you down, you know you still have me here okay. You know those setbacks make you a better and stronger person. Its your life and noone's capable of bringing it down. I know you're stronger than this. I'll be hereeee! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

i know u want me to know

Yo. I'm still alive :)

Say goodnight

First thing first, i'm really terribly sleepy. But its almost 3am and i'm not sleeping. Because Novi is occupying my bed HAHAH. She came, then we arranged puzzle yongwei gave me as birthday present! Its like cutee man and we took two hours to do it so now she's friggin sleepy and me too but i don't want to sleep cz i wanna do homework but i guess i can't yea because only one question and i KO alrd :D so now here i am, blogging.

I eat sour plum to keep myself awake. Then we'll go for breakfast @ Mac and yawyaw then i go back home asap to sleep sleep yeaaa :D Me is bored rightz nowz noone to talk to because the whole town is probably sleeping yea. & yea, its half closed. But i'm trying hard not to fall flat on my table.

Sorry i wasted prolly one minute of your life. This is just to keep me awake. Nothing important yow. Hahaha facebook is dead too, for the first time HAHA. Anyway novi is like dead. Not moving at all. Okay okay i'll go back to my puzzle in disneyland :D

Keep you updated

Friday, August 21, 2009

The sky has lost its colour

Gosh don't ask me why i'm at home nao while i was supposed to...oh well nevermind. I'm quite pissed but its noone's fault its like a miscommunication so yeah well, its okay since i'm able to complete my rev ex 6!! Mr Ng must be very proud of me because i always do his homework and am sooo passionate about maths. Rightz.

Novi my saviour called and i'm flying to toa payoh now! (I thought she's supposed to have tuition?)

And yes! I can finally fly off from my boring house and ugh just one momentz escape from jungle of chipmunks ew.

Whose the sexiest man alive?8

I lost my clark kent. :(
Btw, clark kent is the name of my calculator. I'm using paris hilton now. And and you know haha because i couldn't sleep just now and i was bored and lazy to do homework, i took down all the items that i purchased this year, and tried as much as possible to remember the price. Well i had a hard time because some i don't even remember how much so i just anyhow throw in some amount. I calculated them with paris hilton (that's when i realised i lost clark kent) and...haha i just hoped that paris hilton was so shiny that it calculated wrongly. Haha i wouldn't mention how much la huh. Its only for me to know :) But i was quite surprised though.

And today's Jess birthday so happy birthday helm. Oh well, she isn't helm-y anymore hahaha. Anddd haha cz you know just now it was raining lizards and cockroaches right, and i just took my oral on tuesday and i lazy to put in my file, i put in my front pocket and when i was searching for my wallet i saw the state and condition of my entry proof, i dont know whether to laugh or cry. HAHAA totally...terrrible and hopeless. I laughed in the end though.

Tmr will be oliv's bday and haiz i haven't buy her anything and idk what to get her and nadya isn't replying me so i totally have noooo idea. Like, she's got everything. And you know when you buy a birthday present for rich kids uh, there must be standard right. So idk haha me is poor nehzz.

And oh, i think my eyes' degree increases linearly yow. I have to squint my eyes to look at those emaths revisions answers on the screen projector because its small and my eyesight is getting worse. I don't wanna admit it but i promised mom that i'll go for eye check up asap because i dont want it to get worse.

And oh, Mom registered me to Trinity College. Well, its a college for foundation in Melbourne before i get to enter Uni in Aus. I decided to take interior design because i just love cozy bedrooms and posh living rooms. I'd want to design my own house later and also design for people to give their house a 'home' feeling. Those feeling that when you step into the house, you wouldn't want to go out again :) I'd love to become an interior designer. So yes i'll have to work my butt off for prelim and get accepted and i'm settled. Okay not quite because Mom wants me to go for JAE as well. Idk i guess she prefers Singapore than Aussie. But well, we will see. In the end i'll have my say because i will be the one going through it and i'm sure she'll understand, right?

And oh i'm hungry peko peko

Its friday and i'm at home blogging. Yaw my life rocks man!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I need someone

I'm so dead because i just woke up. I shouldn't have slept. Ahhh and now my eyes are red and i haven't bathe and i have homeworks and revisions. Please, let the time pass slow slow today ah.

I hate identification of cations and anions. Its impossible for me. Okay less talking and more action. Btw, i stink hehehehe.

And and ugh, i left my ipod in school. I was listening to it during...iforgetwhatperiod but then it was assembly and lunch so i forgot to put it in my bag so yeah i feel so sad sad de nehhz. I hope it'll be fine. I hope it won't cry without me hehehe


We'll still have the summer anyway

Hello. Changed my blog skin and i had a hard time adding all the gadgets but it turns out pretty well so i'm quite pleased with myself. :) I'm sick of those blogskins that i just need to copy and paste. Besides i went to search but there weren't any nice ones so i guess this will be it..for the time being hehehe. And the picture...i got that from tumblr.

And chinese result was out just now right i mean on wednesday. (i just realised its past 12) I'm quite glad i couldn't stop screaming. And and you know my bet rightz i have to kiss someone. Hahaha k.

Anywayyy i thought we don't have maths tmr so i didn't do any maths but shoot we have 2 periods tmr can go die la. I haven't do chem papers, and maths blue book. This is what happen when I don't have tuition. :D

And anyway i ate so much today sorry mommy don't panic k. Eating isn't sinning but AHAHAH i remembered Lia's oral conversation, she said she felt guilty because everytime she's stressed she'll eat. Haha i couldn't stop laughing man.

I studied Chem today quite good eh 2 chapters then flipped through SS :)
I've started my revision people! Have you?


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I hate it when a blog is full of vulgarities. Like every sentence sure have one.
It is not cool yo.

PS: Chipmunk sleeps at 8:12 :D

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

You're indeed the best i ever had

Remember how i used to tell you things that were bothering me and you'd calm me down and then i'll forget about that and everything seemed better when i know you'd be there for me?
Remember when i got worried and tensed you'd always tell me that it's going to be okay and what's done is done and i'd do just fine?
Remember how i used to tell you things that were happening around me and sometimes you'd laugh at it but sometimes you took it too seriously i was the one who laughed in the end?
Remember how you cheered me up and you got so panicked when i cried and you crack not-funny-at-all jokes that made me cried and laughed at the same time?
Remember how you were so annoying when i asked you to say something you said 'something'?

You may not know this, but i hope, i hope if you're reading this, you know that those memories may fade with each passing days, but it will stay with me forever. That you did much more than what you thought for me. mean a lot to me. That although maybe we won't see each other anymore, i hope we stay friends forever. That you helped me see things in a whole different perspective.

I used to share my anxiety with you, how nervous i was because of a particular thing, and you reassured me that i thought too much. I always came to you, because i know you'd make me feel a lot, alot better. Because i realised, i depended so heavily on you, your opinions, or your words.
Chinese result tomorrow. What do you have got to say?

ima acidic oxide

I look like this. Its bcausee Mom forcefully cut my fringe and its now so super short i can't take it so i just pin it up. Save me from trouble. I look like i'm in pain but oh well, i am.

Studying chem. And my ipod is still not working. Shoot.

yours truly
cantyl sutantoate

in the night i hear em talked

My ipod isn't functioning...again. I'm so sick of it manz everytime i want to insert songs then it sure crashed and now i'm banging it onto the floor. Ok sorry i know i'm harsh but i'm so pissed la. I just bought it la cmon. Now it won't even off itself and worse it doesn't have a visible battery so i can't just detach and attach it back. I'm so freaking pissed. Soo annoying. I hate it esp u know i'm extremely impatient. Its just me la. And i hate it esp when i study i dont get to listen to music and when when i'm emo-ing i can just listen to old boring songs and u know how i can't blast the music because...u know. Gosh how to live without music...

And anyway i had my oral today idk don't want to think about it. Tmr's chinese result. Gosh its either i cry or i kiss someone. I don't want to retake eh i'm serious manzz. And and there'll be chem test 10 chaps next week so i'm studying maths. Throw my maths aside first since i don't have tuition today i can forget about the mean time. Gawd i need some serious butt slapping. Cann, prelim is less than two weeks away and what's with all the 'i-want-to-do-well' swear?? Prove it that you're not actually stupid and you haven't accidentally flushed your brain down into the toilet bowl. I love you candies.

And and btw have u realised it's been long since i posted a proper blog post? Hahaha yeaa and i kinda hate hate today because i felt so sleepy and the fact that we have 2 periods of chem made the matter worse. -.-

And and i'm quite excited for tmr's chinese result. Oh didn't i say that already? Gosh i just caused a serious problem to my ipod. This is what i deserve for treating non-living things heartlessly. Oh well, they don't even treat me with heart. Right, because my ipod doesn't have a heart apparently.

Me needs tu talk broken english by now at. Me is wanting to know what it are likes to talk on broken english. Me had thinks it am went being very interested. Me sads because me has bisul on ibutt. HAHAHAHAH

Gross and its damn hard. Harder than twitting. Me talks does you understanding? HAHAHA

too happy for a title

Yawwwwwwwwww congrats M!
Gawd I was so happy when M called me just after I came back from stef's. And u know what, he got a good news to shareeeeee!

He's no longer jomblo! As in single.

Finally man. And u knw why I'm so happy? Becauseee I'm free from all the painfully long phonecalls that cost heaps. Not that I don't like talking to him, but the thing is, when he called, Idk when its ending. Ha ha ha so yeaah now he needs to have time for his gf so I can do my own things. Thankyou god finally botak isn't so botak anymore.

I wonder how and when he did the flirting. He didn't tell me anything! Okay byebye I'm sleeping.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Berkibarlah Benderaku lambang suci gagah perwira di selurah rakyat indonesia kau tetap pujaan bangsa

Tujuh belas agustus tahun empat lima
Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita
Hari merdeka nusa dan bangsa
Hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia
Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka
Selama hayat masih di kandung badan
Kita tetap setia tetap
Mempertahankan Indonesia
Kita tetap setia tetap setia
Membela negara kita

Indonesia, sekarang uda umur 64. :D
Walaupun suka KKN, suka di bom, suka unjuk rasa, suka macet gara2 si komo lewat,
Aku bangga jadi warga negara Indonesia!
& Semoga tambah maju, tambah makmur, tambah berkualitas! XD

Sunday, August 16, 2009

no one else

Heyyya i'm back from my swimming pool tuition.
Novi came just now and as usual, we studied then she didn't want to go back because she'll miss me alotz if she leaves early so yea i had my tuition by the swimming pool.
I spent today and yesterday doing nothing but homeworks. Okay no, actually i shopped ytd.

English Oral on Tuesday, MTL result on Wednesday. Big big day i hate it i don't want to come. I don't know what to blog about alrd i hate homeworks i hate prelim which is a few weeks away. I hate it when i haven't revise.

Anw, i hate my fringe. Anw, byebye

Do you know,

that i love you because you let me wear the same clothes everyday without thinking that i'm boring. :)
Ps, Amazing.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Everyone needs a guardian angel

Shite i forget what i want to write.

Oh yes. My geography sucks nowadays idk why i want to cry :( Oh well, i need to buck up.
Anw, u know somth, i miss mommy. :(
And tomorrow's friday but i'm not looking forward because there'll be geog lsp AND english tuition. I want to die man.
Yuck yuck there's chem tmr. two periods. Shoot me.
Friday's supposed to be a goody good day. Not a killing oneee!

I don't look forward to tomorrow. I want nothing. Just sleep. I feel like dying. Okay why do i type like a granny. Sorry. I'm pissed for no genuine reason. I want to slap myself for thinking of that. Im hungry.

Oh well, i should just stop right. Back to geog

hollaback girl


Haha because my mother is here yea so i can't blog i have to study and go out with her so now i has the time!

K, i'm very lazy to elaborate on my birthday but its just awesome k.

Last two days mom was here, i flew to orchard straight from school and chiong hw until midnight. I'm sad that she's back but at the same time...relieved. I think its because i have more time to do what i want, get less nagging and yea, more time to do my homework.

Somebody turns 8teen today!!
Happy Birthday i hopeee u enjoy yea! :)

Yeaa, i'm doing homework soon but i'm pretty pissed with facebook. Eyawwww that's a pretty old news by the way.

Ps, maybe what u're looking for has been here the whole time.
pps, i miss mommy.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

<<>><happy birthday!!

sam seng po says (12:53 AM):
hihi happybirthday

Junjun says (1:01 AM):
Happy birthday to youuuu

[c=4][c=4]❤[c=#000000][b]Monica Johan[/b][/c][/c]❤[/c] says (1:04 AM):
my gawd happy square root 256th bird dayyy!

[c=#B3B3FF]ARWIN????[/c] [c=#FF6666]#37™[/c] [c=32][/c] says (1:06 AM):
hey happy birthday


Ps, idk whether to cry or laugh

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Together We Stand Against Terrorism! #IndonesiaUnite

I randomly went to just now to update myself with the lastest news and i see many report on chaos in Indonesia. As usual, robbery, economic unstability, terrorism, heartless killing, etcetc. Those are all done by selfish souls who can't be bothered with the nation. People can still create jokes out of the tragic bomb incident a few weeks ago, and they still can claim themselves as creative. Excuse me, creative your nose. You should feel sorry for the nation, for people who lost their loved ones, not to make jokes and be proud of it. Do you realise how many important people died because of that bloody bomb? The government body is trying to hard to reconcile their relations with certain countries to bring a better tomorrow for all indonesians. Do u know how people have this impression of Indonesia as 'oh the country where you get all the maids from'?

Who am i, to have the right to tell others how fatal the consequences are in the long run? I just get very bothered with the attitude of the people. Do you guys actually have dreams to appear in TV with your hands fettered to the chain? Are you afraid that if you don't create a commotion the news reporter will have nothing to report? Wow you have such a thought.

MEDAN, - Kepolisian Kota Besar Medan meminta keterangan tujuh orang
demontran PT WRP Buana Corporation. Petugas meminta pertanggungjawaban mereka
terkait dengan penutupan jalan saat demonstrasi berlangsung di depan Kantor Wali
Kota Medan.
"Mereka mengganggu kepentingan umum sehingga lalu lintas
tidak berjalan. Kalau sudah selesai (proses meminta keterangan), mungkin malam
ini (Kamis malam) mereka akan kami bebaskan," kata Kepala Poltabes Medan Ajun
Komisaris Besar Imam Margono, Kamis (6/8) usai demo berlangsung.
buruh PT WRP berlangsung mulai pukul 13.00. Mereka menuntut hak di antaranya
pesangon dan uang jasa dari manajemen perusahaan. Mereka sempat menutup jalan di
depan Kantor Wali Kota Medan sebagai bentuk protes tuntutan bertemu wali kota
tak terkabul. Mereka juga menuntut masuk ke halaman Kantor Wali Kota. Namun
tuntutan ini ditolak kepolisian.
Tiba-tiba pada pukul 14.30 keributan pecah
saat buruh berusaha melewati pintu gerbang gedung ini. Polisi kemudian meminta
keterangan tujuh orang buruh yang dinilai sebagai penggerak demonstrasi.
Margono mengaku tidak hafal nama masing-masing buruh yang dimintai keterangan.
Namun para buruh yang berada di depan Kantor Wali Kota Medan menyampaikan nama
rekan mereka yang dimintai keterangan polisi. Mereka antara lain Ridwan
Panjaitan, Mariana Aritonang, Sahat Sitorus, Berliana, Lasmaida, Tohonan, dan
seorang lagi yang belum diketahui identitasnya.

You complain so much about the government being inefficient. Now look who's the root of the problem.

Sampah masyarakat, you are.

Right. Back to chem

Merci pour les souvenirs

I had a sudden urge to delete this blog. I don't know. But I know i can't totally stop blogging because it has been part of my life for quite sometime already :)

I'm a happy girl today day day! I went to Orchard Kino to buy books! They hav 20% disc storewide and i bought three books. All by Cecelia Ahern i'm contented yow! And NYLON magazine HEHEHEHE. I've been looking around for it and now i found it i'm happy to the max!

Right mom's coming u know it rightz ugh and u know i asked her to bring food here rightz and she just called me rightz and she told me she bought another one for chipmunk. i had nothing to say. Zilch.

And and and anw i have to tidy up my room if i don't want to get an all night lecture. :) trust me mom's capable of that i've experienced it. awaw

in the night i hear 'em talk coldest story ever told
somewhere far along this road he lost his soul
to a woman so heartless


I'm so sick of receiving sms that says "Sorry candies i can't make it because....."
I really wish all of you will be there. Really want you guys to be with me.
Is that too much to ask for?
Frankly speaking my life hasn't been smooth and steady, so i really want to turning point for well, tomorrow. I need support?

I want to start 16 fresh and anew, and put behind everything that's...pretty much occupying my mind nowadays. I promise i'll be a better person.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! :(
This is one of his rare moment. Classic.
Now you know why i am spastic and retarded right. Hahaha

Thursday, August 6, 2009

You disgust me.

fly, fly, flying up high

I've always have this crazy fetish over balloons. :)

melt me with your eyes

I got them brain dawgs! says (8:04 PM):
I got them brain dawgs! says (8:05 PM):
ok lets talk about
Candies ; this goes on, baby says
(8:05 PM):
bobbyyy how can u talk about shit
I got them brain dawgs! says
(8:05 PM):
i got 1 floating shit this afternoon

U know what, i can't believe i have sucha disgustong fren. Beyond imagination.
Half the time i don't understand what he's typing. Gosh.

And uh btw, Happy Birthday Yongwei! :D
U sound different since the last time i heard u! Right, last time is three years ago. :/

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Gosh yes i know my hair is messy hahaha.
I wanted to say somethinggg but i forget. Jalaproot.

Never Gonna Be Alone is stuck in my head.

Oh yea just now during recess i imagined the canteen to be pink based. Then they have barbie wallpapers, ALL the chairs and tables are in pink, there'll be glitters everywhere. Then each stall will have their own princess theme, like Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and The Beast or whatever, then the stall vendors have to wear the princesses and prices costumes then have fake horses, wear throne, and and dance around as they served us. Omgomg HAHAHA andand then they have like 'this is what you called true love lalala' songs as the background music. Then movies of those fairytales playing on TV WAHAHAHAHAA omgg that'd be damnnn cool and brenda will be the first to destroy them HAHAHA and stef would love those furnitures who knows she'll choose to stay in school instead. HAHA and imagine beatty is a castle, then there's Rapunzel trying to use her hair to get her prince to climb up cz she was locked, then there's Cinderella with her pumpkin and glass shoes, then there's this poisonous apple tree and then some sleeping beauty wake up because her prince kissed her, or whatever. then everyone in the school will waltz around HAHAHA omggg imagine the chopstick waltzing. HAHHAHA priceless. Then imagine instead of wearing uniform, the students wear elf costumes OMGGzZZ

okay i lost hope. HAHAHAHA

I'm so excited i can't wait for o level manz (plz sense the sarcasm)

Sleepy aye.

Sometimes i try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with her now
I just can't figure it out
Now I'm on my own,
How I let you go,
I'll never understand.


Yaww yaww yaww the audition was 'happening' yo. Haha.

Anyway, Dad called just now. As expected, he was at workshop and i could tell he was surrounded by tractors. He asked me what i want for my birthday, and of cuz being the usual me, i have the whole entire wish-list that's ready for him to fulfil, but idk why i said i don't want anything because, hasn't he been giving me presents all this while? Being loved, being cared, my opportunity to be here, the schoolfees he paid for me, all my necessities etc. They're the best present ever, right? They're something i won't trade for anything. And the thought of him calling me, means that he cares for me, even though he didn't show it much. He's a busy man and I admire him for being able to find time for both job and family. My dad's a wonderman.

And uh yea he asked about pepper (wow do you miss pepper because it's been awhile since i mentioned him huh) and he asked me what's in him that made me admire him. Honestly i couldn't think of any so i started creating story of how one day when we went home, we saw this grandmother carrying a basket of oranges then when she wanted to walk down the ascending road, her oranges all topple and roll on the walkway and he helped her picked up the oranges and the grandmother was very grateful so she gave us an orange each. Yea familiar huh. K btw he doesn't believe me so i guess he gets the idea. :D

Gosh Mom's coming so sooooooooon. I'm so excitedddddd. That's the best part of weekend that i'm looking forward too :D:D:D:D

K back to homework. Anw 4e2s what do we have to Chem and SS?

Ps, I'm just so glad i have my parents that i can count on no matter what happen to me.


Sorry Daddy i can't call you now or soon because i'm super busy i miss you and i know you miss me too because Mom said she saw you trying helplessly to punch numbers on your phone to call me but u didn't know the code and because she was petty with you so she didn't help you. Haha you guys are like so cute man. Ahhh, miss my father :(

I'm doneee with AMK PAPER 1, REV EX 8, ENGLISH COMPRE, PHYSICS PAPER, EMATHS ST ANDREW. Anddddd urm apparently not chem because i have no mood to balance equations. And btw, do we have homework for History? Hahaha i don't know aye it's been long since i attended history lesson HAHAHHA.

You know, this is goes on. I'll let nature takes its course.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cause i know how it hurts when someone you love takes you for granted.

Till then,


its locked.

I just told Stef on our way home from school, I started to accept the fact.
But you know what, it isn't so easy.
I don't know. What am i supposed to do?
It is killing me.
The thought of....nevermind.

Don't feel sorry for me.

Ps, sakit sekali rasanya.

Monday, August 3, 2009

its like you're always stuck in second gear.

Ugh i'm so tiredddddddddd. I have been sitting on my wooden chair for almost 8 hours just to do homeworks. And i just realised i have Chem SPA tmr. :(

I did Emaths Rev Ex 9 and Amaths Area Under Armpit as what mel said, and now i'm working on solving the mystery behind US-China air plane crash. I still have Darfur War to unreveal the truth. Haizzz no la SBQ only i don't plan to be a detective.

Althou the book 'How to be a happy teenager' says that we are not supposed to complain, but i still can't. Of cuz have to complain, if not i can go crazy manz.

I listened to I'll Be There For You for one million times i am kinda sick hearing it. yawyawyaw change to at the beginning horzzz.

And u want to knw why i'm so dead? I haven't call my father. Jrengjrengjreng... K back to SS

Ps, i think the pilot Wang Wei was my childhood friend HAHAAHHA

rawr rwar

Hey hey i just woke up hahaha i fell asleep reading the book in my bed so i kinda just started on Rev Ex 9. I'm working on it yea i still have many other homework seems like mr ng is becoming mdm tok omg no. Whatever.

Mom's coming in like, 5 days' time ima sow sow sow excited yeayea cz i haven't seen her for so long and besides she still hasn't got the chance to lecture me about the responsibility of taking good care of my passport or else it will result otherwise. She says it is too serious to be talked on the phone. Haiya probably its just because phone bill's exploding. Whatever.

What the hell is up with blogger i hate this manz. Anyway come to think of it, I haven't see Olivia since like, when i come back from China? That's long right. And idk what's up maybe we're both just too busy cz her prelim is coming pretty soon as well i hope we can squeeze time to catch up because i miss her like crazy. Whatever.

Chipmunk keeps walking in and out i don't feel good typing with another pair of eyes staring at my screen so yea, till then.

Ps, don't break hers like how you break mine.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

cam fisher has one blue eye and one green eye

Dionee u rmb this one hahaha the note i gave u then u tossed it back to me hahahahaha and u thought it was love note from grey boy HAHAHHAHAAH i still didn't throw this mannnn.

Anw, i finally did my laundry because i have been procastinating and they are mountaining so yeah ahhaha (what's up w blogger btw i hate ew) then i'm studying chem nownownow. Monica Johan is craving for cheesecake and she's crazy about her craving. And i'm talking to Junia Kok right now which makes me think that ouch she isn't gg to be here next week ahhhh but its okay we'll celebrate a belated one right bestfwen lub yu.

I will be back, soon. :)

Mom: We haven't been talking since we came back from China.
Me: Same. We haven't been talking since i came back from China.
Ps, i know you don't get it.

ur hand used to be mine to hold

Maybe i have to learn how to handle things more sensibly, not just sit down and cry. I HAS to grow up yo.

Anw, ytd novi and agnes came to my place and then we gozzip then i went swimming and they accompanied me. I thought it'd make me feel better, but no. Then after tht we went dinner @ Ichiban. After that caught late night HarPot @ Shaw. After the movie was already...about 1am? So i stayed at her place and initially, we planned to wake up at 6 inthemorning and study, but we talked and talked and talked and talked until abt 4 am so yea i didn't know hw i fell asleep also but we woke up at 11.36 i still remember. So yea i prayed all the way from her house until i reached my doorstep, they won't know, and i guess they really dont. I'm a good liar yea, or they're a good pretender. Either way i dont care.

Someone exchange your life with mine and tell me wht i should do.

Ps, i'm supposed to feel excited and contented but i don't

let me go

Don't i get enough already? Why do things keep coming to me? Give me a break, please? I've had enough.

U know i dont even know what to say. I feel so exhausted i don't even want to care anymore.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Because of u my whole damn family talk about 'oh-do-you-know-that-candies-has-a-boyfriend-and-his-name-is-smthsmth' and now u want the whole world to know and when I tell u off all u can say is, too bad??

Wow u're such a friend babe.

macromolecule is any long chain molecule that contains hundreds or thousands of atoms joined by covalent bonds.

I'm strong.
I'm strong.
I'm strong.
I'm strong.
I'm strong.

I will make it happen. :)
I'm gonna get this difficult phase over and start anew.
I have great friends, great classmates, great family, and going-to-be-great life.
So, what more can i ask for?

Ps, do i sound convicing already?

Hi there. Inheriting 50 million dollars doesn’t mean much when you have a weak heart.

I wuz so bored just now i went to search for some funny pick up lines to laugh at. Here are some of the cute one/

1. You're like a prize winning fish. I dont know whether to eat you or mount you.
2. I think there's something wrong with my eyes because I can't take them off you.
3. Your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic ocean, and baby I'm lost at sea!
4. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
5. If you were a burger at McDonald's you'd be the McGorgeous. (HAHAHAHAHA)
6. You: Your father must have been a thief. Them: Huh? You: Because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.
7. Excuse me, if I go straight this way, will I be able to reach your heart?
8. If LOVE was written on every grain of sand in the Sahara Desert that still doesn't equal my love for you.
9. I'm gay, think you can convert me?
10. Do you have an eraser? Because I can't get you out of my mind.
11. Girl you're like a car accident, cause I just can't look away.
12. A boy gives a girl 12 roses. 11 fake, 1 real and he says to her " I will stop loving you when all the roses die"
13. I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart.
14. I wish I were a tear so i could start in your eyes, live on your face, and die on your lips.
15. You look like my second wife! And I’ve only been married once! (teh best!)


u know the drill baby

I thought July's supposed to be a happy month? What happened?
Haven't i have enough?

Ps, I'm gna pull this through so guide me along yea.
Pps, Marcus i didn't sleep in class today so can i get my rewardddddddd