Thursday, August 13, 2009

Everyone needs a guardian angel

Shite i forget what i want to write.

Oh yes. My geography sucks nowadays idk why i want to cry :( Oh well, i need to buck up.
Anw, u know somth, i miss mommy. :(
And tomorrow's friday but i'm not looking forward because there'll be geog lsp AND english tuition. I want to die man.
Yuck yuck there's chem tmr. two periods. Shoot me.
Friday's supposed to be a goody good day. Not a killing oneee!

I don't look forward to tomorrow. I want nothing. Just sleep. I feel like dying. Okay why do i type like a granny. Sorry. I'm pissed for no genuine reason. I want to slap myself for thinking of that. Im hungry.

Oh well, i should just stop right. Back to geog

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