Saturday, August 8, 2009


Together We Stand Against Terrorism! #IndonesiaUnite

I randomly went to just now to update myself with the lastest news and i see many report on chaos in Indonesia. As usual, robbery, economic unstability, terrorism, heartless killing, etcetc. Those are all done by selfish souls who can't be bothered with the nation. People can still create jokes out of the tragic bomb incident a few weeks ago, and they still can claim themselves as creative. Excuse me, creative your nose. You should feel sorry for the nation, for people who lost their loved ones, not to make jokes and be proud of it. Do you realise how many important people died because of that bloody bomb? The government body is trying to hard to reconcile their relations with certain countries to bring a better tomorrow for all indonesians. Do u know how people have this impression of Indonesia as 'oh the country where you get all the maids from'?

Who am i, to have the right to tell others how fatal the consequences are in the long run? I just get very bothered with the attitude of the people. Do you guys actually have dreams to appear in TV with your hands fettered to the chain? Are you afraid that if you don't create a commotion the news reporter will have nothing to report? Wow you have such a thought.

MEDAN, - Kepolisian Kota Besar Medan meminta keterangan tujuh orang
demontran PT WRP Buana Corporation. Petugas meminta pertanggungjawaban mereka
terkait dengan penutupan jalan saat demonstrasi berlangsung di depan Kantor Wali
Kota Medan.
"Mereka mengganggu kepentingan umum sehingga lalu lintas
tidak berjalan. Kalau sudah selesai (proses meminta keterangan), mungkin malam
ini (Kamis malam) mereka akan kami bebaskan," kata Kepala Poltabes Medan Ajun
Komisaris Besar Imam Margono, Kamis (6/8) usai demo berlangsung.
buruh PT WRP berlangsung mulai pukul 13.00. Mereka menuntut hak di antaranya
pesangon dan uang jasa dari manajemen perusahaan. Mereka sempat menutup jalan di
depan Kantor Wali Kota Medan sebagai bentuk protes tuntutan bertemu wali kota
tak terkabul. Mereka juga menuntut masuk ke halaman Kantor Wali Kota. Namun
tuntutan ini ditolak kepolisian.
Tiba-tiba pada pukul 14.30 keributan pecah
saat buruh berusaha melewati pintu gerbang gedung ini. Polisi kemudian meminta
keterangan tujuh orang buruh yang dinilai sebagai penggerak demonstrasi.
Margono mengaku tidak hafal nama masing-masing buruh yang dimintai keterangan.
Namun para buruh yang berada di depan Kantor Wali Kota Medan menyampaikan nama
rekan mereka yang dimintai keterangan polisi. Mereka antara lain Ridwan
Panjaitan, Mariana Aritonang, Sahat Sitorus, Berliana, Lasmaida, Tohonan, dan
seorang lagi yang belum diketahui identitasnya.

You complain so much about the government being inefficient. Now look who's the root of the problem.

Sampah masyarakat, you are.

Right. Back to chem

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