Friday, August 21, 2009

Whose the sexiest man alive?8

I lost my clark kent. :(
Btw, clark kent is the name of my calculator. I'm using paris hilton now. And and you know haha because i couldn't sleep just now and i was bored and lazy to do homework, i took down all the items that i purchased this year, and tried as much as possible to remember the price. Well i had a hard time because some i don't even remember how much so i just anyhow throw in some amount. I calculated them with paris hilton (that's when i realised i lost clark kent) and...haha i just hoped that paris hilton was so shiny that it calculated wrongly. Haha i wouldn't mention how much la huh. Its only for me to know :) But i was quite surprised though.

And today's Jess birthday so happy birthday helm. Oh well, she isn't helm-y anymore hahaha. Anddd haha cz you know just now it was raining lizards and cockroaches right, and i just took my oral on tuesday and i lazy to put in my file, i put in my front pocket and when i was searching for my wallet i saw the state and condition of my entry proof, i dont know whether to laugh or cry. HAHAA totally...terrrible and hopeless. I laughed in the end though.

Tmr will be oliv's bday and haiz i haven't buy her anything and idk what to get her and nadya isn't replying me so i totally have noooo idea. Like, she's got everything. And you know when you buy a birthday present for rich kids uh, there must be standard right. So idk haha me is poor nehzz.

And oh, i think my eyes' degree increases linearly yow. I have to squint my eyes to look at those emaths revisions answers on the screen projector because its small and my eyesight is getting worse. I don't wanna admit it but i promised mom that i'll go for eye check up asap because i dont want it to get worse.

And oh, Mom registered me to Trinity College. Well, its a college for foundation in Melbourne before i get to enter Uni in Aus. I decided to take interior design because i just love cozy bedrooms and posh living rooms. I'd want to design my own house later and also design for people to give their house a 'home' feeling. Those feeling that when you step into the house, you wouldn't want to go out again :) I'd love to become an interior designer. So yes i'll have to work my butt off for prelim and get accepted and i'm settled. Okay not quite because Mom wants me to go for JAE as well. Idk i guess she prefers Singapore than Aussie. But well, we will see. In the end i'll have my say because i will be the one going through it and i'm sure she'll understand, right?

And oh i'm hungry peko peko

Its friday and i'm at home blogging. Yaw my life rocks man!

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